Forestry > Tree Services | Community Forestry Program
Tree Services
The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) provides the following services as a part of our Conservation Tree Program. You can order hand-plant seedlings, the Small Acreage Package and the Wildlife Package, and weed barrier mats by returning a printed order form with your payment. Call our office for more information at 402-371-7313 or visit your local NRCS office.
Conservation Tree Program
***2025 Orders are now closed***
The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District’s Conservation Tree Program offers a wide variety of seedlings and services to landowners interested in planting trees and shrubs for windbreaks, living snow fences, livestock protection, forest buffers, woodlots, and wildlife habitat.
Tree and Shrub Seedlings
Seedlings cost $30.00 plus tax, for a bundle of 25
Each species must be ordered in lots of 25
Conifers - Black Hills Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Concolor Fir, Eastern Redcedar, Jack Pine, Norway Spruce, Ponderosa Pine, White Pine
Deciduous - American Elm, American Linden, American Sycamore, Catalpa, Cottonwood, Hackberry, Honeylocust, River Birch, Silver Maple
Fruit & Nut - Black Cherry, Black Walnut, Bur Oak, Crabapple, Hazelnut, Manchurian Apricot, Northern Pecan, Red Oak, Swamp White Oak
Shrubs - American Plum, Amur maple, Aronia (Chokeberry), Buffaloberry, Chokecherry, Cotoneaster, Cranberry, Elderberry, False Indigo, Golden Currant, Gray Dogwood, Lilac, Nanking Cherry, Red-Osier Dogwood, Sandcherry, Serviceberry (Juneberry), Skunkbush Sumac
Small Acreage Package - SOLD OUT
SOLD OUT - The Small Acreage Package is an option for landowners who want to diversify the trees and shrubs they plant, but do not need 25 of the same species.
Concolor Fir x4
Chinkapin Oak x4
While Lilac x4
Schubert Chokecherry x4
Amur Maple x4
Wildlife Package - SOLD OUT
SOLD OUT - The Wildlife Package is an option for landowners who want to promote wildlife habitat within their planting.
Persimmon x4
Chinese Chestnut x4
Gambel Oak x4
Domestic Apple x4
American Hazelnut x4
**The species provided in the packages are pending availability from the nursery. If a species listed is unable to be sourced, an alternative providing similar benefits will be selected and substituted.
**The Small Acreage and Wildlife packages do not qualify for machine planting services or cost-share. The LENRD does not guarantee the growth or survival of the seedlings.
**Trees will be available in late April. We will notify you when they arrive.
Cost Share Services
Cost share services are available for seedling purchase, planting, drip irrigation, weed barrier or weed barrier mats, and windbreak renovation.
Drip Irrigation Cost Share
Must be installed on LENRD approved and designed windbreaks
Drip irrigation systems will be cost shared at 75% or $0.75/foot, whichever is less
Machine Planting Service
There is a charge of $0.55 / seedling
There is a minimum planting charge of $275.00 per project
Not available for Small Acreage or Wildlife packages
For help with designing a tree planting plan, windbreak, contact Todd Stewart
If you’re interested in CRP plantings, contact your local NRCS office.
Coco Weed Guards
$45.00 plus tax for a bundle of 25 mats (must be ordered in lots of 25)
All natural, biodegradable weed control disc made of compressed coconut fibers
Provides improved watering efficiency by retaining moisture. Porus material prevents the buildup of heat experienced with plastic discs. Anticipated to last 2-3 years before gradually decomposing by year 5-6.
The LENRD does not offer an installation service for the mats.
Bare Root Seedlings - Community Nursery Program
Growing Tomorrow’s Trees in Community Nurseries - Start growing your communities’ trees today from bare root seedlings! We're offering this program to communities interested in starting their own tree nursery by planting FREE bare root seedlings provided by the Lower Elkhorn NRD. Sign up for the program in the fall and pick up your seedlings in the spring! It’s that easy! The next sign-up will be in 2025. Contact Todd at our office today -
Conservation Trees for Nebraska
Check out trees suited for conservation plantings in Nebraska, and download the mobile app for iOS or Android at
**Not all species in the booklet are available to order through the Lower Elkhorn NRD