The LENRD has programs to promote conservation efforts in both rural and urban areas:
Conservation Cost-Share Program & Lands for Conservation Program
2025 Program Brochure
Cover Crops
Cover crops prevent erosion, improve soil’s physical and biological properties, supply nutrients, suppress weeds, improve the availability of soil water, and break pest cycles along with various other benefits. Cover crops can also potentially be grazed.
Cover Crop Guidelines
Frost Terminated Cover Crop Pilot Project Guidelines
Soil Moisture Sensor Incentive Lease Program
A financial incentive for the utilization of soil moisture sensors on irrigated fields for more efficient irrigation use and improved nutrient management.
Buffer Strip Program
Buffer strips are a common sense approach to land conservation. Funds are available through the Nebraska Buffer Strip program. This program pays landowners for using filter strips (narrow strips of grass) or riparian forest buffer strips (strips containing trees and grass). Apply at your local NRCS or NRD office.
Urban Conservation
The Urban Conservation Assistance Program is an authorized program of the District to provide technical and financial assistance to units of government (cities, counties, villages, and schools) to help prevent or control erosion, flooding, and related resource concerns in urbanized areas
Recreation Area Development Program
The Recreation Area Development Program is an authorized program of the District to provide financial assistance to units of government (cities, counties, villages, and schools) to acquire land rights, design, establish, develop, and improve public recreation areas.
Soil Conservation
Cost share programs are available to give landowners financial assistance in controlling erosion. Check out the new soil website and also the The Soil Quality Institute web site.
Best Management Practices
The future of farming depends on our ability to maintain our natural resources, such as soil, water and air. The LENRD offers assistance with Best Management Practices for nitrogen fertilizer, irrigation, pesticides, livestock waste, and windbreaks to help prevent degradation of our water resources by agricultural practices.
Backyard Conservation
What can you do in your own backyard to conserve our natural resources? Plenty!