Lower Elkhorn NRD announces winners of 2024 Conservation Poster Contest

“May the Forest Be With You Always” was the theme for this year’s National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) Stewardship Week and Poster Contest sponsored by the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).

This Stewardship Week theme underscores the critical interplay between soil and water conservation and the resilience of our forests. Forests play multifaceted roles in sustaining our planet, serving as sources of oxygen, carbon storage, and vibrant hubs of biodiversity. They function as steadfast protectors of soil and water resources, preventing erosion, purifying contaminants, and nurturing healthy watersheds.

The LENRD received posters from over 100 K-12th grade students from across the Lower Elkhorn NRD’s 15-counties in northeast Nebraska.

The following winners will receive special recognition from the Lower Elkhorn NRD:

Grades K-1     

1) Charlotte Rardon, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

2) Brynlee Brune, St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

3) Rhett Shaver, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

3) Tanner McGregor, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

Grades 2-3

1) Elise Ekberg, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

2) Frankie D’Agosta, St. Mary’s Elementary, Wayne

3) Anna Rardon, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

Grades 4-6

1) Connor Pojar, St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

2) Henry Diekemper, St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

3) Rachel Kutcha, Wayne Elementary School, Wayne

Grades 7-9

1) Colton Hoesing, Wausa

2) Chase Moore, Norfolk Public Schools

3) Easton Jones, Norfolk Public Schools

3) Karson Lingenfelter, Norfolk Public Schools

Grades 10-12

1) Kai Vuchetich, Norfolk High School

2) Connor Cleveland, Norfolk High School

3) Elliott Hansen, Norfolk High School

The first-place posters in each category were sent on to the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) in Lincoln for the State Competition.

The NARD recently announced that the Lower Elkhorn NRD has three winners at the State level this year. Students winning in the State competition include:

  • Grades K-1:  Charlotte Rardon, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

  • Grades 2-3:  Elise Ekberg, Christ Lutheran School, Norfolk

  • Grades 4-6:  Connor Pojar, St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

These students will receive special recognition from the NARD in Lincoln. The winning posters from the State competition will be sent on to Salt Lake City, Utah for the National competition in February.

The 2025 stewardship theme is “Home is Where the Habitat is”. For more information on the poster contest, contact Liz Lienemann, at llienemann@lenrd.org or 402-371-7313.

NRD Staff and Directors Receive Unicameral Updates at Annual Nebraska Association of Resources Districts Legislative Conference

LENRD General Manager, Brian Bruckner, has been keeping a close eye on the legislation being introduced relating to natural resources. Of particular interest is LB 145 and LB 695. LB 145 would require the Director of Agriculture to administer a grant program relating to noxious weeds. This legislation addresses the desire to see additional funding for weed management – which was presented by Doug Deck, Wayne County Weed Superintendent – at the Subcommittee of the Whole Meeting in January. Bruckner provided a letter of support for this Bill. LB 695, introduced by Senator Rob Dover, would require specific action by the LENRD when it comes to flood control options for the City of Battle Creek. The Battle Creek WFPO Plan is still in the process of being finalized and there are plans for Houston Engineering to present on the status of the project at a meeting later this Spring.

New Directors take Oath of Office, Changes are made in Board Leadership

As a result of the election in November, the LENRD Board of Directors welcomed two new Directors earlier this month. At the beginning of January, Andy Hrabanek and Lee Klein took the Oath of Office and became the newest Directors to serve Subdistrict 4 and Subdistrict 2. Hrabanek, Battle Creek, replaced Director Rod Zohner to serve Subdistrict 4 while Klein, Norfolk, replaced director Mark Hall to serve Subdistrict 2.

Hall was elected to the LENRD Board in 2016, while Zohner was elected in 2021. Both have been invaluable Directors, and we thank them for the years dedicated to serving their constituents while focusing on the conservation of natural resources. 

Jay Reikofski, Anthony Wisnieski, Jerry Allemann, Matt Steffen, and Gary Loftis were re-elected to serve another term.

With a new election cycle comes a change of leadership for the Board: Chairman, Matt Steffen; Vice-Chairman, Jay Reikofski; Secretary, Kris Loberg; Treasurer, Jerry Allemann; NARD Delegate, Gary Loftis; NARD Alternate, Jerry Allemann.

New Groundwater Irrigated Acres Approved in Quantity Management Subareas

For the first time in recent history, LENRD Board of Directors allowed an application period for new irrigated acres in the LENRD Quantity Management Subareas. Quantity Management Subareas were created on January 24, 2013, for the protection of groundwater quantity in portions of the District where additional controls are necessary to minimize pumping conflicts and protect groundwater supplies without imposing unnecessary controls in other parts of the District. Of the 23 applications received within the Quantity Management Subareas (mainly in Pierce and Madison Counties), 10 were approved allowing 310.33 new groundwater irrigated acres in those subareas.

Amendment made to the ranking system for Urban Conservation and Recreation Area Development Programs

When ranking applications for the Urban Conservation and Recreation Area Development Programs, LENRD staff will now also consider if the applicant received funding for a special recreation development project(s) within three previous fiscal years.

The Urban Conservation Assistance Program provides technical and financial assistance to units of government (cities, counties, villages, and schools) to help prevent or control erosion, flooding, and related resource concerns in urbanized areas. The Recreation Area Development Program provides financial assistance to units of government (cities, counties, villages, and schools) to acquire land rights, design, establish, develop, and improve public recreation areas.

Developments like the Riverfront Project in Norfolk and the Prairie Park Project in Wayne are considered ‘special recreation development projects’ outside the parameters of the Urban Conservation and Recreation Area Development Programs.

Additional ranking considerations for these programs include: funding of Urban Conservation Assistance Program applications first; then, priority is given to entities that have previously received, or been approved for, funds for the least amount of dollars from the LENRD for the Urban Conservation, Recreation Area Development, and Community Forestry Programs.

Logan East Rural Water System adopts Memorandums of Understanding to receive, supply clean and safe water

The Logan East Rural Water System (LERWS), established in 1991, is the largest Rural Water System in the state.  LERWS works to provide a clean, safe, and reliable source of water for over 1,000 rural customers.

At the January 23rd Board Meeting, Directors voted unanimously to adopt two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) – a non-binding document which states the responsibilities of each party to an agreement – for the Logan East Rural Water System. One MOU is with the City of Oakland and a second with the Village of Craig.

The MOU between LERWS and City of Oakland will allow LERWS to access treated drinking water from the City of Oakland to satisfy current and future demands of customers. The MOU between LERWS and the Village of Craig will allow LERWS to supply drinking water to the Village of Craig.

Directors unanimously approved the two MOUs for the Logan East Rural Water System.

Local Working Group Meetings Planned

Local meetings open to individuals interested in setting natural resources goals for Nebraska.

STANTON NE, February 3, 2025  - A Local Working Group that provides advice on the priorities for many U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs will meet February 27, 2025 from 5pm to 7pm at the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District at 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk NE.

The public is encouraged to attend and express their natural resource concerns. Ideas generated from the public will help the U.S. Department of Agriculture tailor their natural resource programs to meet the needs identified locally. 

There is a Local Working Group in each Natural Resources District (NRD).  Membership on the Local Working Group includes Federal, State, county, Tribal or local government representatives according to Robin Sutherland, District Conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) whose agency guides the Local Working Group. 

  “The Local Working Group recommends to the NRCS State Conservationist how conservation programs like the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), or Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) would be used most effectively in their area.  This recommendation can include special target areas, cost share rates on conservation programs, which conservation practices should have cost assistance, or how many dollars could be needed,” said Sutherland.  This work group allows local input into how Federal dollars are spent, she said.

Typically, Nebraska NRCS obligates anywhere between $45 million to over $75 million dollars to farmers and ranchers statewide through NRCS conservation programs.  These programs helped landowners and operators make natural resource improvements to their land, water, or wildlife.  This funding was allocated according to the priorities set by the Local Working Group.

For more information about the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the programs and services they provide, contact your local USDA Service Center or www.ne.nrcs.usda.gov.

Feedback Sought for the 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan

To make the Lower Elkhorn NRD and Lewis and Clark NRD Planning Area more disaster ready and resistant, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District is seeking public feedback on the 2025 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This plan serves as a guide on how to become more resilient to the impacts of natural, technological and human caused hazards. Interested residents have until January 31, 2025 to view and provide comments on the Plan before it is submitted to FEMA for review.  

The draft 2025 LENRD Hazard Mitigation Plan is available for download by clicking the button below.  Any questions or comments can be directed to the Assistant General Manager, Curt Becker, at cbecker@lenrd.org or 402-371-7313.

First Annual Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference Was A Huge Success

Nearly 300 people gathered for the Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference held at the Lifelong Learning Center at Northeast Community College on December 17th, 2024. Attendees from Nebraska and surrounding states gathered to hear from a great lineup of speakers.

Rick Clark, of Williamsport, IN Kicked off the conference with his keynote address “Increasing Farm Profits with Conservation”. Rick showcased how he has reduced expensive inputs and increased profits on his operation. Rick is moving towards organic no-till on his farm and discussed the realities of both the successes, and the challenges, of making this system work.

There were numerous options for concurrent breakout sessions where attendees could select the sessions attended based on the topics that would best serve their farms and ranches. Speakers covered items of interest that ranged from equipment set-up for successful no-till to total crop system redesigns that include grazing livestock on cropland.

In one session, Jason Mauck, of Gaston, IN, shared his passion for “farming weird” - including the way he views sunlight as a limiting factor in traditional systems, and the stock-cropper he co-developed to graze animals in growing crops.

Another session highlighted a value-added products panel - a group of Nebraskans who are adding value to products by taking them to retail, finding local added-value markets, or using unique “livestock” to produce additional products from the same crops. The panel discussed ideas on how to create more income on their acres.

Wrapping up the day, a panel of local northeast Nebraska farmers discussed how they are making conservation farming work locally. Junior Pfanstiel, Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD); Jeff Steffen, Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD); Curt Morrow, Lower Niobrara Natural Resources District (LNNRD); and Art Tanderup Upper Elkhorn Natural Resources District (UENRD) discussed their operations, how they are implementing different practices, and the economics of their systems.

The Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference was co-hosted by the Bow Creek Watershed Project (Lewis & Clark NRD) and the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (LCNRD, LENRD, LNNRD, and UENRD), Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, Nebraska Strategic Ag Coalition, and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Partners include Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy / EPA, Nebraska Extension, Nebraska Environmental Trust, UNL and Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

The Committee is already hard at work preparing for the second annual Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference planned for December 2025.

Attendees listen to keynote speaker at the first annual Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference.

35th annual Wonderful World of Water held in Pierce

The 35th annual Wonderful World of Water festival was held earlier this fall at Gilman Park in Pierce.  Sixteen teams of ninth and tenth grade students from 8 schools across Northeast Nebraska descended upon the park for a day of outdoor hands-on activities and a chance to compete for championship honors.

The day began with registration at Gilman Park followed by the teams competing in a track of hands-on activities focusing on water quality and other natural resources related issues.  The teams were then quizzed regarding those sessions to accumulate points for the competition.  Following the educational sessions, the teams were given one last chance to extend their point totals by participating in the Dripial Pursuit Trivia Game.  Then while the final totals were being calculated each team was given the opportunity to participate in the Wonderful World of Water special project.

The special project was Water Rockets, which is a program taught through the Jr. Academy of Sciences.  Each school was invited to build water rockets and demonstrate their knowledge of mass, velocity and engineering.  The rockets were judged on distance and creativity.  Several rockets were launched Wednesday with Pierce High School Team 2 first for Farthest Distance Traveled; Elgin Public   High School Team 1 recognized for Shortest Distance Traveled; and Wausa High School with the Most Creative Design.    

Following the presentation of the special projects, the winners of the 2024 Northeast Nebraska Wonderful World of Water were announced.  The winner of Track 1 was Pierce High School Team 1 consisting of Josie Painter, Raleigh Pfeiffer, Nora Herian, Adrienne Riggert, Jada Brummels and Jessica Suckstorf.  The winning team from Track 2 was Pierce High School Team 2 consisting of Aiden Pospisil, Brandon Thomsen, MaKayla Shefl, Haley Scholting, Isabelle Streff and Maya Johnson.  First Place teams were awarded Wonderful World of Water T-shirts to commemorate their victories.   

Schools participating in this year’s event included Bancroft-Rosalie High School, Pierce High School, Elgin High School, Wausa High School, Allen High School, Lutheran High Northeast High School, Emerson-Hubbard High School and Osmond High School. 

The Wonderful World of Water program would not be possible without our many natural resources professionals from across the area who volunteer their time each year to share their expertise; and work with students who might be interested in a career related to natural resources.  They come from a variety of agencies including:  The Department of Natural Resources, The Natural Resources Conservation Service; Nebraska Extension; Nebraska Game and Parks; Papio-Missouri River NRD; Upper Elkhorn NRD, Lewis & Clark NRD, Lower Niobrara NRD and, Lower Elkhorn NRD.  The Wonderful World of Water was sponsored this year by the Upper Elkhorn NRD; Lower Elkhorn NRD; Lower Niobrara NRD; Lewis and Clark NRD; and Nucor.

Pierce High school team 1

Pierce High school Team 2

2024 Management Area Reporting

The annual report is not only a requirement for the Phase 2 & 3 areas, but it also documents the good work that you are doing to protect the groundwater. A major source of groundwater nitrate contamination is fertilizer and manure applications from farming practices. By implementing intelligent nitrogen and irrigation water management practices, farmers play a major role in protecting groundwater quality. These practices can also maximize your profit per acre!

Annual Reports must be submitted for both irrigated and dryland fields regardless of size. If you find that you are missing a field, or see one that you no longer farm, please let us know so we can update the information. It is the landowner’s responsibility to provide the LENRD with information for all fields that are farmed.

Management area reporting must be submitted online. If you are unable to complete your management area report(s) online, you can schedule a time to complete them over the phone or in person.

The Annual Report is due by January 15, 2025.

Irrigation Water and Deep Soil Sampling

The rules and regulations of the Phase 2 Areas state that irrigation water must be sampled once every four years. Phase 3 Area producers must sample their irrigation water annually. Be sure to take advantage of our free sampling program to test your water. You can pick up sample kits at our Norfolk office. Under this program, all you need to do is collect the water sample from your well and the NRD will pay the cost of shipping and testing the sample.

The rules and regulations of the Phase 2 Areas state that a deep soil sample is required for every 80 acres on fields that are planted to continuous corn. Phase 3 Area producers must take a sample for every 80 acres on any field that is going to be planted to corn, regardless of what was planted the prior year. Cost-share is available up to 50% of the total eligible costs of the sampling. Invoices and sampling results for Fall 2024/Spring 2025 need to be turned into the LENRD office by November 1, 2025 to be eligible for cost-share.

For questions, or to schedule an appointment, please call or stop into our office and ask for Connor.

Lower Elkhorn NRD Board Approves Maple Creek Watershed Plan Watershed Agreement at November Meeting

The Lower Elkhorn NRD (LENRD) Board of Directors gave their final nod of approval to the Maple Creek Watershed Plan Watershed Agreement with Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). The main objective of this Watershed Agreement is to reduce flood damage in the City of Clarkson and Village of Nickerson.

The preferred alternative is an option that best accomplishes the purpose and need of the proposed action while also considering economic, environmental, technical, and other factors. In this case, the two preferred alternatives are:

  • Improvements to the Clarkson Levee

  • Construction of a dike near Nickerson

In early October, two open houses were held in Nickerson and Clarkson, the focus areas of the Plan, to collect public input. By approving the Maple Creek Watershed Plan Watershed Agreement, Directors will have the option to work with NRCS to implement preferred alternatives should they choose to do so. The LENRD worked with Houston Engineering to put the plan together.

 Bid Approved for Logan Creek Waterline Replacement Project

The Board also voted to approve a bid for the Logan Creek Waterline Replacement Project. Logan East Rural Water System of the LENRD opened bids for the Project on November 18, 2024. Four bids were received for the contract, which includes the replacement of approximately 3,600 linear feet of 8-inch waterline, valves, and cleanouts. Rutjens Construction, Inc. of Tilden, Ne, submitted the lowest bid at $105,295.00.

2025 LENRD Meeting Schedule

The LENRD Board has set the following dates for their 2025 meetings:

Subcommittee: January 9th, February 13th, March 13th, April 10th, May 8th, June 12th, July 10th, August 14th, September 11th, October 9th, November 13th, December 11th.

Board: January 23rd, February 27th, March 27th, April 24th, May 22nd, June 26th, July 24th, August 28th, September 25th, October 23rd, November 25th, December 18th.

The Board meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, unless there is a conflicting holiday or inclement weather. Updates and reminders are posted to the LENRD website, Facebook, X, and Instagram pages.

To learn more about the 12 responsibilities of Nebraska’s NRDs and how your local district can work with you and your community to protect your natural resources, visit www.lenrd.org and sign up for our monthly emails. The next board of directors meeting will be Thursday, December 19th at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:30 p.m. and on Facebook Live.

1st Annual Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference will be December 17

The 1st annual Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference will be December 17, 2024 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk. The Ag Conference is co-hosted by the Bow Creek Watershed Project and the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) and takes the place of the BGMA Winter Meeting, which is typically held in January or February.

All farmers and ranchers are invited to attend and learn how other producers are using conservation practices to improve their bottom line while protecting water quality. The focus of the event is to encourage the exchange of conservation production ideas between farmers, ranchers, and supporting agriculture professionals. Many of the speakers are farmers, sharing their experiences, tips, and tricks.

Rick Clark from Williamsport, IN will start the day with the keynote address. Focusing on a regenerative soil health management system, Rick uses nature to replace costly farm inputs. He will share his journey into organic no-till and the lessons learned along the way.

Jason Mauck, Mitch Hora, Paul Jasa, Roy Thompson, and others will discuss topics ranging from equipment setup, cropping tips, grazing practices, innovative technology, and value-added products, to discussions on incentives for conservation. With fifteen breakout sessions, attendees can customize the day to fit their needs. The event will wrap-up with a local farmer panel discussing how they have implemented the ideas locally on their own operations.

Becky Ravenkamp, Bow Creek Watershed Coordinator, said, “In addition to great speakers, this is a chance to network with like-minded farmers and ranchers. Whether you have been implementing conservation practices for decades, just thinking about implementing them, or somewhere in between, you will find someone in the same situation to discuss these ideas with.” She added, “Lucky attendees will take home more than just knowledge, great door prizes will be given at the end of the day.”

Thanks to the sponsors of this event, you can register by December 6th at NO COST! Late registrations are $20 at the door and online after December 6th.

The Northeast Nebraska Ag Conference is produced by the Lewis & Clark NRD, the Lower Elkhorn NRD, the Lower Niobrara NRD, the Upper Elkhorn NRD, and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources.

Applications are now being accepted for Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Program

We’re accepting applications for the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) which will pay producers for reducing their nitrogen application by the lesser of 40lbs or by 15%.

For this program, the state is divided up into three priority areas (A, B, and C). Priority area A is areas in the state with a NRD determined phase II or higher or have a wellhead protection area. This area has an incentive payment of $15 per acre. Priority B areas are areas not in priority A but are certified to irrigate. Priority B areas have an incentive payment of $12 per acre. The last priority area is C, which is the rest if the state and has an incentive payment of $10 per acre. Producers should contact the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) to determine which priority they are in. The program limits eligible crops to corn, sugar beets, and potatoes.

The incentives are intended to be flexible in that they can be combined with other offers by NRCS, TNC, or other entities. Producers will need to confirm with those other programs. Producers are also given the flexibility to determine how they will reduce their nitrogen application but will work with the LENRD on the implementation.

The LENRD will rank and score applications that best suit their local interests and available funding. All applications should be submitted to the LENRD either by email, mail, or in person and are due before January 15th, 2025. Approved producers will have until January 15th, 2026, to document and show the reduction in their nitrogen application to be eligible for payments.

Contact the LENRD for more information on the application process at 402-371-7313.


Position open for an Office Assistant at the Lower Elkhorn NRD in Norfolk

NORFOLK - We have a position open for an Office Assistant in the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District in Norfolk. The position provides administrative support for a variety of specialized tasks, requiring independent decision-making, and strong computer and communication skills - 40 hours per week with excellent pay and benefits.

Send your resume to the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District, Brian Bruckner - General Manager, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk NE 68701, or email lenrd@lenrd.org

Closing Date: November 22, 2024

Programs Assistant needed in the Madison County NRCS office in Norfolk

NORFOLK - We have a position opening for a Programs Assistant in the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office in Norfolk. The position involves administrative support work with moderate difficulty and complexity involving a variety of tasks. Strong computer and communication skills are needed. 40 hours per week with excellent pay and benefits.

Send your resume to the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District, Brian Bruckner - General Manager, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk NE 68701, or email lenrd@lenrd.org

Closing Date: November 6, 2024

Sign-up begins October 1st for new irrigated acres

Landowners within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will have an opportunity to apply for new irrigated acres, beginning on October 1st and ending on October 31st, 2024.  The LENRD Board of Directors approved the sign-up period at their September meeting and will receive applications for Standard Variances for new irrigated acres in the geographically eligible locations within the LENRD.

One of the primary responsibilities of the LENRD is to manage groundwater to protect both its quality and quantity for the people of the district.  Both of those factors were taken into consideration by the Ad-Hoc Variance Committee members, in determining the criteria used to process these variances.

“The board has taken the time to address some of the concerns associated with new irrigation development and have a well thought out approach for this signup period,” said LENRD General Manager, Brian Bruckner.

Recent amendments to the Groundwater Management Area Rules and Regulations now allow for new groundwater irrigated acres in any LENRD Quantity Management Subarea and the board has decided to allow these subareas to be eligible for the signup.  However, the Board of Directors has prioritized the consideration of the addition of small acre parcels to locations with existing irrigation wells in the Subareas.  Landowners who wish to construct a new irrigation well and irrigate new land will be considered in a possible future sign-up period.

Bruckner said, “Although these areas are now eligible, we want to walk before we run, remaining sensitive to the geology and turn of events that led to the delineation of these areas back in 2013.  Small acreage parcels will take priority in the subareas.”  Bruckner added, “We can potentially consider other options in those locations in the near future but want to ease into things to ensure that the needs of all existing groundwater users continue to be met.”

Water quality concerns were also reflected in the board’s decisions.  After much discussion, the board decided to award points to producers who plan to use the chemigation program to apply a minimum of 30% of the annual nitrogen needs of the growing crop for a minimum of 6 years following approval of the variance.  Bruckner said, “The board has approved this requirement as a means of prioritizing locations that will utilize chemigation as a best management practice to spoon feed nitrogen to the growing crop, for a minimum of 6 years.”

The LENRD Board authorized the receipt of variance applications to possibly approve up to 400-acre feet of new stream water depletions for new groundwater irrigation development in the Hydrologically Connected Area in the LENRD, and up to 3,500 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Non-Hydrologically Connected Area. The annual allocation for any new irrigation well, constructed under an approved Standard Variance, will be 14 acre-inches.

A map of the eligible locations as well as the application materials will be available at the LENRD office in Norfolk and on the district’s website by Tuesday, October 1, 2024.  The application fee for each standard variance has increased to $100 this year.

To learn more about the 12 responsibilities of the Nebraska’s NRDs and how your local district can work with you and your community to protect your natural resources, visit www.lenrd.org and sign up for our monthly emails. The next board of directors meeting will be Thursday, October 24, 2024, at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:30 p.m. and on Facebook Live.

Maple Creek Watershed Plan and Environmental Assessment Public Notice

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is hosting final public meetings for the Maple Creek Watershed - Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations Project. LENRD has developed a Watershed Plan and Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Maple Creek Watershed that includes two projects as the preferred alternative. These include levee improvements in Clarkson and a dike north of Nickerson.

The EA will be out for public comment starting October 2, 2024, and two public meetings are being held on October 9, 2024 to discuss the projects. The Nickerson Project public meeting will be an open house held from 4:30pm – 5:30pm at the Nickerson Fire Station Meeting Room (207 S Maple Street, Nickerson, NE 68044). The Clarkson Project public meeting will include a short presentation followed by an open house from 7:00pm – 8:00pm at the Clarkson Opera House (340 Pine Street, Clarkson, NE 68629).

Lower Elkhorn NRD approves budget decrease for Fiscal Year 2025

Do you know your NRD? Created in 1972, Nebraska’s 23 Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) are unique in the nation with Nebraska being the only state with this form of local government in place.  NRDs are tasked with 12 areas of responsibility aimed at helping to conserve, develop, and manage our natural resources.

NRDs are granted the authority to generate revenue by levying property taxes, providing them with a consistent source of revenue that can sustain critical programs and projects, but also heightens the need to be fiscally responsible with local tax dollars. The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) board and staff work diligently to prioritize spending to ensure that local tax dollars are used efficiently.

The operating budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 was approved by the LENRD Board of Directors at their September 12th meeting with a tax request of $4,501,887 – a decrease of 8.07% or $395,019 from last year’s budget.  The estimated levy, based on the property tax request, is 1.8459 cents per $100 of valuation, which is a decrease of 18.27% from the fiscal year 2024 levy of 2.2586 cents per $100 of valuation.  For example, if a person owns a $300,000 house, the taxes owed to the LENRD would have been $67.76 in 2024 and will be approximately $55.38 in 2025.

The LENRD’s total operating budget for fiscal year 2025 is estimated at $12,823,153 which is an increase of $773,221, or 6.41% from last fiscal year.

Some major expenditures for FY 2025 are: Levee/Flood Protection Projects – which includes the West Point Levee, McKenzie Dam, Winslow Demolition, and Logan East Well Project, and the City of Wayne Prairie Park Project - $1,579,000;  Water Resources Programs - $384,250;  Project Construction – Willow Creek Artesian Pressure Mitigation, Maple Creek Shoreline Stabilization, Maple Creek Storm Damage, Maskenthine Bike Trail, Willow Creek Park Renovations, and Pilger Recreation Area Renovations - $397,000;  Conservation Cost-Share Programs – Bazile Groundwater Management Area Project (BGMA) and Willow Creek Best Management Practices (BMPs) - $708,000;  and Sinking Funds – Battle Creek Project Sinking Fund ($1,000,000) and Flood Mitigation Sinking Fund ($750,000).

The LENRD has received major grant funding for the Willow Creek Dam Artesian Pressure, and Hazard Mitigation Plan (Federal Emergency Management Agency & Nebraska Emergency Management Agency); Bazile Groundwater Management Area and Willow Creek Watershed Project (Environmental Protection Agency) as well as State Grants and Funds from Department of Natural Resources, Nebraska Environmental Trust, and Nebraska Forest Service.

The LENRD has also received grant funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for Watershed Flood Prevention Operations (WFPO).  Funding through this program has assisted with the environmental assessments for the North Fork Elkhorn River Watershed Plan, the Maple Creek Watershed Plan, and the Battle Creek Watershed Plan.

Because the LENRD strives to be fiscally responsible with local tax dollars, there is a strong focus on the continuation of allocating resources towards Sinking Funds in the budget. The funds are put into savings now to be used for future projects. “By setting money aside today into a sinking fund, tagged for use for a specific project, it helps to minimize impact to the property tax levy for tomorrow,” said Brian Bruckner, LENRD General Manager.  He added, “Our board continues to be conservative as we invest and save for the future needs for the citizens of our district.”

To learn more about the 12 responsibilities of Nebraska’s NRDs and how your local district can work with you and your community to protect your natural resources, visit www.lenrd.org and sign up for our monthly emails. The next board of directors meeting will be September 26, 2024 at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:30 p.m. and on Facebook Live.

NRD Hall of Fame Inductees Announced at Husker Harvest Days

During Husker Harvest Days Wednesday, Sept. 11, Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) recognized three individuals, who will be inducted into the NRD Hall of Fame later this month.

“Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts involve many dedicated individuals working to protect our natural resources,” said Martin Graff, president of the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD). “We’re proud to recognize these outstanding individuals for the significant improvements they’ve made to our natural resources, and the NRD Hall of Fame is one small way to thank them.”

Annually, Nebraska’s NRDs nominate and vote for individuals who have made significant contributions to improving the state’s natural resources. Hall of Fame categories include an NRD Director, NRD Employee and NRD Supporter. The NRD Supporter includes an individual outside the NRD system who has shown tremendous care and leadership in Nebraska’s ongoing conservation efforts.

2024 NRD Hall of Fame inductees:

  • NRD Director – Larry Moore, Ulysses, Nebraska

  • NRD Employee – Stanley Staab (posthumously), Kearney, Nebraska

  • NRD Supporter – Sen. Dan Hughes, Venango, Nebraska

Larry Moore – NRD Director

Larry Moore served nearly five decades on the Upper Big Blue NRD board, from 1975 to 2022. As a past board member, Moore continues to be involved by attending NRD board meetings and speaking out on topics of concern, lending his insight as a farmer as well as his vast institutional knowledge regarding NRD matters.

Dedicated to conservation, Moore has led by example in soil and water management, transitioning his family farm to no-till and incorporating cover crops. He has continuously invested in water conservation since the 1970s, moving from gravity irrigation to center pivots, and more recently installing soil moisture sensors and irrigation scheduling technology to improve efficiency and reduce the likelihood of nitrogen leaching.

His leadership extended beyond his farm, actively participating in public meetings and representing the area in the Big Blue River Compact. Moore’s enduring commitment to conservation and public service has significantly impacted the community and the environment.

Stanley Staab – NRD Employee (posthumously)

Stanley Staab served as the Lower Elkhorn NRD general manager for 29 years. He began his career with Nebraska’s NRDs in 1979 as the information & education coordinator at the Upper Big Blue NRD. He became the general manager of the Lower Elkhorn NRD in 1986 and retired in 2015.

Stan Staab was the general manager at the Lower Elkhorn NRD for 29 years.

During his nearly 36-year career, Staab was instrumental in numerous flood control projects, the construction of recreation areas, and the development of rural water systems. He also championed the establishment of new trails, including the Cowboy Trail Connector in Norfolk.

Staab passed away on March 5, 2024, at age 77. His leadership and commitment to protecting natural resources leave a lasting legacy.

Sen. Dan Hughes – NRD Supporter

As a third-generation farmer and Nebraska’s 44th District senator from 2015 to 2022, Dan Hughes championed natural resources, particularly water rights during his time in the Nebraska Unicameral.

Serving on and chairing the Natural Resources Committee, he was instrumental in passing legislation to protect groundwater and land rights for irrigators and balancing the interests of agriculture and the environment. His knowledge of business and farming gave him the ability to see both sides of the issue and create a resolution that pleased both parties while also protecting the natural resources being disputed. Now, as District 5 commissioner for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Hughes continues to advocate for Nebraska’s natural resources.

He also continues to be a good steward of the land and water on his farm that he shares with his two children in Venango, passing his knowledge and passion of natural resources onto the next generation.

Natural Resources Districts Hall of Fame inductees will be recognized at the NRD annual conference dinner banquet in Kearney, Nebraska, Monday, Sept. 23.

Husker Harvest Days NRD Hall of Fame Inductee press conference Sept. 11, 2024. From left, Sen. Barry DeKay, Nebraska Dept. of Ag Director Sherry Vinton, Sen. Brian Hardin, NARD President Martin Graff, Gov. Jim Pillen, Hall of Fame Inductee Larry Moore (sitting), Sen. Eliot Bostar, Vicki Staab (wife of Hall of Fame Inductee Stanley Staab), Sen. Fred Meyer, Hall of Fame Inductee Sen. Dan Hughes, and Sen. Jana Hughes.