Applications are now being accepted for Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Program
/We’re accepting applications for the Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) which will pay producers for reducing their nitrogen application by the lesser of 40lbs or by 15%.
For this program, the state is divided up into three priority areas (A, B, and C). Priority area A is areas in the state with a NRD determined phase II or higher or have a wellhead protection area. This area has an incentive payment of $15 per acre. Priority B areas are areas not in priority A but are certified to irrigate. Priority B areas have an incentive payment of $12 per acre. The last priority area is C, which is the rest if the state and has an incentive payment of $10 per acre. Producers should contact the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) to determine which priority they are in. The program limits eligible crops to corn, sugar beets, and potatoes.
The incentives are intended to be flexible in that they can be combined with other offers by NRCS, TNC, or other entities. Producers will need to confirm with those other programs. Producers are also given the flexibility to determine how they will reduce their nitrogen application but will work with the LENRD on the implementation.
The LENRD will rank and score applications that best suit their local interests and available funding. All applications should be submitted to the LENRD either by email, mail, or in person and are due before January 15th, 2025. Approved producers will have until January 15th, 2026, to document and show the reduction in their nitrogen application to be eligible for payments.
Contact the LENRD for more information on the application process at 402-371-7313.