New Directors take Oath of Office, Changes are made in Board Leadership
/As a result of the election in November, the LENRD Board of Directors welcomed two new Directors earlier this month. At the beginning of January, Andy Hrabanek and Lee Klein took the Oath of Office and became the newest Directors to serve Subdistrict 4 and Subdistrict 2. Hrabanek, Battle Creek, replaced Director Rod Zohner to serve Subdistrict 4 while Klein, Norfolk, replaced director Mark Hall to serve Subdistrict 2.
Hall was elected to the LENRD Board in 2016, while Zohner was elected in 2021. Both have been invaluable Directors, and we thank them for the years dedicated to serving their constituents while focusing on the conservation of natural resources.
Jay Reikofski, Anthony Wisnieski, Jerry Allemann, Matt Steffen, and Gary Loftis were re-elected to serve another term.
With a new election cycle comes a change of leadership for the Board: Chairman, Matt Steffen; Vice-Chairman, Jay Reikofski; Secretary, Kris Loberg; Treasurer, Jerry Allemann; NARD Delegate, Gary Loftis; NARD Alternate, Jerry Allemann.