Watershed projects bring Nebraska estimated benefits of $80 million per year

Support Soil and Water Stewardship Week - April 29-May 5 – Share Pictures of What Water Means to You

In honor of Soil and Water Stewardship Week’s theme “Watersheds, Our Water, Our Home,” the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are celebrating the watershed projects that benefit Nebraska. Through the 900+ watershed projects the NRDs and NRCS have developed together, over $80 million in average annual damages from flooding and erosion are prevented every year.

These economic numbers are based off the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act benefits for each watershed project NRCS and the NRDs have worked on together since 1954 and indexed up to 2018 dollar values. Before these watershed projects were built, an economic analysis was conducted. These projects were required to reach a cost/benefit ratio threshold high enough to receive funding. This careful planning has resulted in a tremendous return on investment over the past 60 years.

The watershed dams constructed through the Federal Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Program are working to protect Nebraskans from flood damage. Watershed Program project results include watershed protection, flood prevention, erosion and sediment control, water supply, improved water quality, fish and wildlife habitat enhancement, wetland creation and restoration, and public recreation.

“This partnership between the public, NRCS, NRDs, Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Environmental Quality has been vital in Nebraska’s long-term success,” said Dean Edson, Nebraska Association of Resources Districts executive director. “We all work with landowners every day. Without these projects and their willingness to improve their land and prevent potential flooding, Nebraskans could potentially be dealing with flood damage costs on their properties and in their homes every year.”

NRCS and the NRDs work with landowners to install flood control measures like small dams, grade stabilization structures and apply conservation practices such as reduced tillage, terraces and waterways.  These flood prevention and conservation practices work together throughout the watershed to catch and slow runoff from heavy rains preventing damage to infrastructure, homes, cropland and roads. 

Craig Derickson, state conservationist with NRCS said, “The Watershed Program in Nebraska has been a perfect partnership between Federal and State agencies working together to protect natural resources. This year’s watershed theme for Soil and Water Stewardship Week provided a great opportunity to remind Nebraskans of the benefits these watershed structures provide.”

Soil and Water Stewardship Week is April 29th – May 5th, and the NRDs and NRCS are calling on YOU to show us what water means to you! Snap selfies and fun pictures of how you value the water you use. Tweet us @NebraskaNRCS and @NebraskaNRDs. “Like” us on Facebook at Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts and the Lower Elkhorn NRD.

During Soil and Water Conservation Week, the NRDs and NRCS encourage all Nebraskans to spend time outside appreciating our natural resources and especially our “Watersheds, Our Water, Our Home.”

Watersheds.Our Water.Our Home.2018.jpg

A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held April 26th

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will hold a public hearing to certify irrigated acres on Thursday, April 26th, 2018 at 7:30 pm.  The hearing will be held in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in this certification hearing.  If you have any questions about this hearing or the certification process, contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD office, 402-371-7313.

Acres to be Certified

Public Hearing Policy

Contested Hearing Form

Cover Crop Management workshops to be held in Pierce and West Point

Are you interested in learning more about Cover Crop Management?  There are two educational workshops coming up in Pierce and West Point, sponsored by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).

The workshop in Pierce will be held at the Lied Public Library, 207 W. Court Street, on Tuesday, February 27th from 9:00 a.m. to noon.  The workshop in West Point will be held at the Cuming County Courthouse, 200 S. Lincoln Street, on Wednesday, February 28th from 9:00 a.m. to noon.

The workshops will begin with coffee and rolls at 9:00 a.m., followed by presentations on soil biology, cover crop management, and much more.  Aaron Hird, NRCS State Soil Health Specialist, will visit about why the biology of our soil is so important.  Dan Gillespie, NRCS No-till Specialist, will discuss cover crop management in corn/soybean rotations, what to seed, when to terminate, and what herbicides to use.  Pam Polenske, Stanton County NRCS, will present information on Client Gateway and how to access your NRCS documents online.

Reserve your seat by calling your local NRCS office or the LENRD in Norfolk.

Workshop Agendas

A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held February 22nd

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will hold a public hearing to certify irrigated acres on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:30 p.m.  The hearing will be held at the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College - 601 East Benjamin Avenue in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in this certification hearing.  If you have any questions about this hearing or the certification process, contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD office, 402-371-7313.

Acres to be Certified

Public Hearing Policy

Contested Hearing Form

LENRD Board to release the approved applications for new irrigated acres

Landowners within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) boundaries, had an opportunity to apply for new irrigated acres for 2018.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “After much debate last fall, the board voted to take applications for standard variances district-wide.  Applications for nearly 24,000 new irrigated acres were received during the sign-up period, which was open between November 15th and December 15, 2017.”

The board voted at their January meeting to approve up to 2,390 new acres in the Hydrologically Connected or 10/50 Area, and to approve up to 2,530 new acres in the Non-Hydrologically Connected or Non 10/50 Area under the district’s standard variance process.

Bruckner continued, “Staff will now go through the process of contacting the landowners with both approved and non-approved acres.”  After the landowners have been properly notified, the approved list will be available to the public, sometime in February.

In other business, the Board approved an amendment to the LENRD Rules and Regulations for the Management of Groundwater, which will add a new Rule 18 – Transfers of Water Uses.  The addition of this rule will allow the district to consider requests for the transfer of certified acres within the district.  Bruckner said, “Numerous factors will be weighed when evaluating each request, but it will provide both landowners and the district with an additional tool for the management of water resources in the district.”

The board also brought discussion of the Drought Management Plan to a vote at their January meeting and approved adoption of the Drought Management Plan into the LENRD’s Groundwater Management Plan.  Approval of this Plan will merely provide the district with a mechanism to define and categorize drought conditions within the district, and outlines some general response mechanisms that could be utilized in response to each designation.  At the suggestion of the board, the Plan will also integrate real time monitoring well data and a November 1st date for the establishment of any subsequent groundwater controls (for irrigation purposes for the following growing season) as components of the plan.  Most importantly, future effort will be required to develop implementation mechanisms that could be employed by the district to effectively protect groundwater supplies for all groundwater users, during a prolonged period of drought.  LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “This is a working document that will be utilized, if and when a drought situation occurs.  It gives the district a place to start.”

In other action, the board approved the amended Recreation Area Rules and Regulations.  One of the amendments kept the current policy in place which does not allow alcohol at the Recreation Areas owned by the LENRD, which includes Maskenthine Lake, near Stanton; Maple Creek Recreation Area, near Leigh; and the Willow Creek State Recreation Area, near Pierce.

The district is inviting the public to attend the Bazile Groundwater Management Area Winter Open House & Informational Meeting at the Osmond City Auditorium on Wednesday, February 7th.  The Open House is from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Various topics of the day will include the role of the NRDs, health and drinking water, best management practices, as well as soil fertility and cover crop programs.  Contact the LENRD for more information.

The next LENRD board meeting will be Thursday, February 22nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

Our Water + Our Land + Our Health = Our Future

A major push is underway by the four Natural Resources Districts that share in the protection of the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) to help inform citizens and gain participation with solutions that will address serious health risks associated with excessive levels of nitrate and other chemicals in local aquifers and area soils.

A public open house is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, at the City Auditorium in Osmond, NE between the hours of 11 AM to 2 PM.  A lunch meal will be provided to participants.

Martha Rhoades, Ph.D., from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will provide a feature presentation that shares the findings of a recent study showing that there are elevated incidents of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and birth defects for people within the BGMA and some other parts of Nebraska, due to excessive levels of commercial fertilizer components such as nitrate and herbicides such as atrazine.

The open house also provides an important opportunity for individuals to sign up for available grant funding to use toward best management practice (BMP) tools and technology to reduce the levels of nitrate in our soil and water.   There is an urgency for people interested in receiving USDA grant funds because of the application deadline is February 16th.  Individuals will be able to apply for these funds at the open house meeting.

This issue affects people on private wells and community water systems alike.  Information on other best management practices will be provided for urban and rural landowners. 

Reports provided by agricultural producers in each of the four NRDs is also demonstrating that despite efforts of efficiency, too much fertilizer is still being applied in many fields throughout the Bazile Groundwater Management Area.  This over application is not only costing producers thousands of dollars in wasted fertilizer, it directly impacts soil health and is not correlating to greater yields.   Natural precipitation and over irrigating then causes excessive levels of nitrate to leach into the aquifer.

The Bazile Groundwater Management Area is 756 square miles consisting of portions of Antelope, Knox and Pierce counties along with portions of the Upper Elkhorn, Lower Elkhorn, Lewis and Clark, and Lower Niobrara Natural Resources Districts.

For more information about this meeting and these topics contact:  the Lower Elkhorn NRD at 402-371-7313.

Winter Open House - Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Public hearing on obtaining a permit to appropriate water is this Thursday

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will conduct a hearing on Thursday, December 21st at 7:30 p.m. at their office located in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College.  The hearing is being held to receive public comments as to whether the LENRD Board of Directors should authorize and make an application to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources for a permit to appropriate water for instream flows in the lower portion of the Elkhorn River in Madison, Stanton, Cuming, Dodge and Washington Counties.  Persons needing special accommodations to attend, monitor, or participate in this public hearing should contact the LENRD at lenrd@lenrd.org or call 402.371.7313 prior to the public hearing.

Public Notice

Application for a permit to appropriate water                  for instream flows

Public Hearing on water transfer rule is December 21st

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will hold a public hearing on Thursday, December 21st at 7:30 p.m.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on proposed amendments to the LENRD’s groundwater management area rules and regulations (Rules).  The hearing will be in the LENRD board room in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “With this amendment, the LENRD proposes to adopt a new water transfer rule that would allow the district to consider transfer of certified irrigated acres and other uses of water within the district. The proposed changes to the Rules do not include the designation of or a modification to the boundaries of the LENRD’s groundwater management area. The entire district will be impacted by these proposed modifications to the LENRD’s Rules.”

Any interested person may appear at the hearing and present written or oral testimony concerning this matter.  Testimony relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing (prior to the close of the hearing) to the LENRD.

Public Notice      

Full text of proposed amendments

LENRD to hold Open House Public Hearing regarding Drought Management Plan

The public is invited to an open house public hearing concerning the Drought Management Plan for this area.  The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will hold the hearing on Tuesday, November 21st from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

The Drought Management Plan defines drought locally and identifies processes to respond to and manage the impacts of future drought events.  The open house public hearing will allow for public comment regarding the proposed integration of the Drought Management Plan into the LENRD’s Groundwater Management Plan.  The public is encouraged to spend as much or as little time as they like at the open house public hearing and it is important to note that written or oral comments carry equal weight in the decision-making process.  The hearing is the first in a multi-step decision process, and consideration of the adoption (or modification) of the proposed changes will be determined at a later date.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “If adopted, the integration of the goals and objectives of the Drought Management Plan into the Groundwater Management Plan, would allow the district to respond to the challenges of an acute drought situation.  The geographic area impacted by the modifications to the District’s Groundwater Management Plan is district-wide, all or parts of 15 counties in northeast Nebraska.”

LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “The LENRD is taking proactive steps to reduce the impacts of future drought events.  One of these steps is the development of the Drought Management Plan.”  He continued, “We must ensure that we protect the water resources of all current users in the district because this is the law.  The protocol we are proposing for determining drought in the district is considered to be the most accurate method in the world.”

The full text of the proposed amendment is on page 105 of the Groundwater Management Plan, which is available at the LENRD office in Norfolk and on the district’s website.

Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and service necessary for participation by contacting the LENRD by November 14, 2017.  Testimony relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing (prior to the close of the hearing) to the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District, 601 E. Benjamin Avenue, Suite 101, Norfolk, Nebraska 68701.

For more information on this planning effort, contact the LENRD at 402-371-7313 or lenrd@lenrd.org

Public Notice - November 21st Hearing

Proposed Amendment to the Groundwater Management Plan - November 21st Hearing

Drought Management Plan - DRAFT

LENRD to receive applications for new irrigated acres beginning November 15

Farmers within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) boundaries, will have an opportunity to apply for new irrigated acres for 2018.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “After much debate during their October meeting, the board discussed allowing for the approval of standard variances district-wide, utilizing a map entitled “Classification 4” provided by the Flatwater Group, and only allow consideration for approval of parcels that fall within the top five categories from the Potential for Development map legend.”

The board voted to allow up to 2,500 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Hydrologically Connected or 10/50 Area, and to allow up to 2,500 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Non-Hydrologically Connected or Non 10/50 Area under the district’s standard variance process for 2018.

The board established a sign-up period to receive applications for Standard Variances.  The district will receive applications for standard variances between November 15, 2017 and December 15, 2017.

Bruckner added, “The board suggested an annual limit on the amount of groundwater withdrawal from wells associated with approved variances, determined by board policy, which is subject to future modification if conditions warrant.  In addition, a minimum soil score of 90 must be met for any standard variance to be considered for approval.”

Standard variance requests will only be considered for approval from areas within the district that fall within the top five Potential for Development categories on the Classification 4 Map, as provided by Flatwater Group.  Standard variances will not be available in the Quantity Subareas already defined.

In other action, the district is preparing for a public hearing regarding their Drought Mitigation Plan.  The public hearing will be Tuesday, November 21st from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  The November board meeting will follow at 7:30 p.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

Standard Variance Form - 2018

MAP - LENRD Irrigation Development Areas - 2018

MAP - Potential Development

A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held on September 28

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will hold a public hearing to certify irrigated acres on September 28, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. The hearing will be held at the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College - 601 East Benjamin Avenue in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in this certification hearing.  If you have any questions about this hearing or the certification process, contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD office, 402-371-7313.

Acres to be certified

Public Hearing Policy

Contested hearing form

LENRD approves a lower tax levy for fiscal year 2018 budget

The 2018 fiscal year budget for the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) once again calls for a lower tax levy.

The operating budget was approved by the board of directors at their August 24th meeting with a tax request of $4,270,002.  The budget of all expenditures shows a 5.52% decrease of $477,863 from last year.

The estimated levy based on the property tax request is 2.327 cents per $100 of valuation, which is a 2.74% decrease from the fiscal year 2017 levy of 2.401 cents per $100 of valuation.  For example, if a person owns a $100,000 house, the taxes owed to the LENRD would have been $24.01 in 2017, and will be approximately $23.27 in 2018.

LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “It’s becoming more difficult to continue decreasing the tax levy year after year.  This is the 6th year in a row for a decrease in property tax asking.  This year valuations flat-lined, and our levy asking decreased 2.74%, which is a historic low for the district, the lowest tax levy in 45 years.”

The funds received by the LENRD are returned to the citizens of the district, through projects, programs, and studies across all or parts of 15-counties in northeast Nebraska.  Some of these conservation benefits include:  water quality and quantity programs such as groundwater management, flood control, and nitrate management; as well as erosion control, cost-share to landowners who apply for conservation practices, recreation areas and trails, urban recreation and community forestry programs, and many other benefits that protect our natural resources.

Sousek, added, “We are working together to create a budget that not only addresses our 12 responsibilities, but that also focuses on improving the quality of life for the citizens across our district.  We are doing more with less, by focusing on efficiencies and streamlining processes to protect our natural resources.  With multiple flood protection projects coming down the pipeline, I am proud of the budget the board has put together.”

In other business, the board members voted to schedule a public hearing in November to receive public input regarding the proposed integration of the LENRD’s Drought Mitigation Plan into the Groundwater Management Plan.  The hearing is the first in a multi-step process, and consideration of the adoption (or modification) of the proposed changes would proceed at a later date.  If adopted, the integration of the goals and objectives of the Drought Mitigation Plan into the Groundwater Management Plan, would allow the district to respond to the challenges of an acute drought situation.  The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21st in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  Sign up for emails and special reminders for all upcoming meetings and events in the upper right hand corner of this website.

Helicopter flight data to be shown at July 13th meeting

Last summer, Northeast Nebraska residents may have seen a low-flying helicopter with a large “spider web” array of scientific equipment towed about 100 feet below it.  The equipment is designed to map geologic structures beneath the earth.  Flights were conducted over portions of the following counties:  Cedar, Cuming, Dixon, Knox, Madison, Pierce, Platte, Stanton, and Wayne Counties.  The helicopter flew lines spaced approximately 3 miles apart over most of the area.

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will have the final report from these flights available at their committee meeting on Thursday, July 13th at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  Technicians from Aqua-Geo Frameworks, LLC, will be presenting the information discovered during the exploration of the aquifers, hundreds of feet below the land surface.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “The geologic information available from the flights will improve the district’s understanding of the available groundwater resource and potential groundwater/surface water connections in an area of the state made more complex by the presence of glacial deposits.”  He added, “Understanding these isolated aquifers will help us to protect the resource and make better management decisions in the future.”

The LENRD planned these flights with grant assistance from the Nebraska Water Sustainability Fund.  If you would like to learn more, visit the ENWRA website at www.enwra.org under the “2016 AEM flights” tab.

Cost-share deadline is June 30th for irrigation flow meters

Another flow meter has been added to the approved list by the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) Board of Directors.  At their June meeting, the board approved the inclusion of the McCrometer Duramag flow meter.  There are now 8 approved flow meters that producers can install on their irrigation systems prior to January 1, 2018.  The district is also offering cost-share of $500 per flow meter to producers who apply for the funding by this Friday, June 30th.  Contact your local NRCS office or the LENRD office to apply.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “These incentives are available for producers on a first-come, first-served basis.  There is enough grant money to cost-share on 3,000 meters.   Therefore, it’s very important that producers apply at their local NRCS office or the LENRD office by June 30th.”

LENRD Projects Manager, Curt Becker, said, “A list of the approved meters as well as a list of the LENRD Certified Flow Meter Installation Contractors can be found on the district’s website.  These contractors have already completed the required flow meter installation training.”  Becker added, “If you do not want to become certified to install your own meter, you must select a certified installer from the list.”  If you would like to be trained to install your own flow meter, please contact the LENRD.

In other action, the City of Pierce requested financial assistance for the construction of a test well to be used to evaluate site feasibility for the potential construction of a new Public Water Supply well.  The board voted to approve the request of $5,000 for the construction of the well through the LENRD’s Public Water Supply Test Well Cost-Share Program.  LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “We’re always looking for ways to help our communities, especially in finding a safe drinking water supply.  This is a good program for the cities and towns across our district, and it also gives us an opportunity to utilize the test well for water quality monitoring purposes.”

Cost-share deadline for flow meters is Friday, June 30th

In an effort to remain proactive in the management of our groundwater, flow meters are required on all active irrigation wells within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) by January 1, 2018.

The LENRD secured grants to assist landowners with the expense of this requirement.  Funding is limited, and the deadline to apply for cost-share is Friday, June 30th, 2017.  Contact your local NRCS office or the LENRD to apply.

The LENRD received a grant from Nebraska’s Water Sustainability Fund (WSF), administered by the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission, to assist landowners with the purchase of flow meters.  With the WSF grant, the LENRD will pay producers $500 per flow meter.  All producers who have installed flow meters on or after November 25th, 2015, or producers who have yet to install their flow meters, can apply for the $500 incentive payments until the funds run out.  Application for the flow meter cost-share can be completed by visiting your local NRCS office or the LENRD office in Norfolk.

LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “These incentives are available for producers on a first-come, first-served basis.  There is enough grant money to cost-share on 3,000 meters.   Therefore, it’s very important that producers apply at their local NRCS office or the LENRD office by June 30th, 2017.”

The LENRD has approved seven meters for installation.  LENRD Projects Manager, Curt Becker, said, “The change in our Groundwater Management Area rules and regulations also requires anyone installing a flow meter within the LENRD to attend an installation training session to become a certified installer.”  A list of the approved meters as well as a list of the LENRD Certified Flow Meter Installation Contractors can be found on the district’s website.  These contractors have already completed the required flow meter installation training.  Becker added, “If you do not want to become certified to install your own meter, you must select a certified installer from the list.”  If you would like to be trained to install your own flow meter, please contact the LENRD at 402.371.7313.

Sign up now for Soil and Water Conservation funding at your local NRCS office

Landowners in northeast Nebraska have until June 16, 2017, to apply for funding.

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) entered into an agreement with the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District to help farmers improve irrigation water management, reduce soil erosion and install conservation practices through the Lower Elkhorn Water and Soil Conservation Initiative. This Initiative is available through the USDA’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP).

Producers in the northeast Nebraska 15-county Initiative area (see map) originally had until mid-October to apply, but the sign up has been extended to June 16, 2017. Producers should visit one of the NRCS offices located in the Initiative area to apply.

Robin Sutherland, District Conservationist in the Stanton NRCS field office said, “This Initiative is a great opportunity for farmers and ranchers to receive financial and technical assistance to make their operations more productive and sustainable.”

Through the Initiative, NRCS and the Lower Elkhorn NRD work together to provide financial and technical assistance to help farmers apply soil and water conservation practices like flow meters, irrigation water management, nutrient management, as well as adopt soil health practices like no-till and cover crops on eligible cropland.

For more information about the RCPP and other conservation programs available from NRCS, visit your local USDA Service center or www.ne.nrcs.usda.gov.

Flow meters required for all wells designed to pump more than 50 gallons per minute

At its April 27, 2017 monthly meeting, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) Board of Directors held a public hearing to consider amending its rules to require flow meters on public water supply, commercial, industrial and livestock wells designed to pump more than 50 gallons per minute. The Board approved these changes, which become effective on May 26, 2017. The amended rules require flow meters to be installed on these wells by January 1, 2019.  

LENRD Water Resources Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, "The high-capacity wells in the district join irrigation wells in the requirement to have flow meters installed.  Irrigation wells must have flow meters installed by January 1, 2018."

Mike Sousek, LENRD General Manager, said, "Thursday's decision makes the groundwater management rules more equitable across the district.  The board made the decision that instead of focusing everything on agriculture, we need to look at all the stakeholders.  If your well pumps more than 50 gallons per minute, you will need a meter installed."

Sousek added, "We're going to start working with the communities in our district, explaining the next steps.  This will be a benefit to them in the long run.  When a drought hits, especially a multi-year drought, it affects everyone."

Order of Designation and Flow Meter Rule

Open House on April 4th to review Lower Elkhorn River Basin Water Quality Management Plan

Landowners and residents of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) are invited to attend an Open House to learn about the Lower Elkhorn River Basin Water Quality Management Plan (the Plan). The Plan covers the lower portion of the Elkhorn River Basin, which is the watershed that created the boundary for the LENRD. The Plan provides a single coordinated strategy to identify water quality threats and needs, prioritize watersheds and areas for improvement, and identify practices and activities appropriate to address the known deficiencies in water quality.

The Open House will be located in the Lifelong Learning Center at Northeast Community College, 601 E Benjamin Ave, Norfolk, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm on April 4, 2017. Representatives from the NRD and NDEQ will be present to discuss the intent of the Plan, key recommendations, and how the Plan will benefit the public as projects are implemented in the future.

LENRD Grant Coordinator, Kristie Olmer, said, “The biggest priority for the LENRD was to address water quality concerns for the Willow Creek Reservoir. The Plan includes specific actions that would need to take place in order to reduce the occurrence of toxic algae blooms at the lake. Other waterbodies considered a priority for additional monitoring include Maskenthine Lake, Maple Creek Lake, and Rock Creek.”

The Plan was funded through a grant received from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ) and the LENRD.

The public is encouraged to visit www.lenrd.org/water-studies for more information and to view a copy of the full draft plan. Please contact Kristie Olmer at 402-371-7313 or kolmer@lenrd.org to provide comments or input.

Public hearing on proposed amendments to Groundwater Management Area rules will be held March 23rd

The Lower Elkhorn NRD will hold a public hearing on Thursday, March 23rd at 7:30 p.m.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on proposed amendments to the district's groundwater management area rules and regulations.  The district proposes to require the installation of flow meters on all active Public Water Supply, Commercial/Industrial, and Livestock wells within the district that are designed to pump more than 50 gallons per minute, and to install flow meters on these wells by January 1, 2019.  Please see the attachments below, or contact the LENRD office for more information at 402-371-7313.

Notice of Public Hearing

Proposed Amendments