Spring groundwater levels show declines as the drought lingers on

2022 was the driest year on record for a large portion of the Lower Elkhorn NRD, and increased demand for groundwater use from all sectors took an expected toll on groundwater inventories.  In a proactive measure and in response to the acute drought that took a commanding grip in northeast Nebraska, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) implemented restrictions on wells, pumping over 50 gallons per minute, until the drought decreases its intensity.

The LENRD has been conducting annual monitoring of groundwater inventories across its 15-county district since 1976.  How does the LENRD monitor our groundwater supplies?  There are 240 “observation wells” the district uses to measure the depth to groundwater from the surface of the land.  These wells are measured in the spring, before the pumping season begins, to see how much the water levels have recovered from last year’s irrigation season and again in the fall after pumping has ceased to evaluate the amount of in-season decline.  LENRD Assistant General Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “While drought conditions are beginning to show signs of decreasing their hold in portions of the area, many of the wells our staff measured this spring are showing declines; though still at manageable levels as long as the drought doesn’t extend itself into subsequent pumping season.”

According to the report from the UNL School of Natural Resources’ Conservation & Survey Division, about three-fourths of the state’s 4,787 observation wells experienced a decline in groundwater levels from spring 2021 to spring 2022, and it will be interesting to see next year’s report which will include comparison data from spring 2022 to spring of 2023.  It is worth noting that most of the data included within these annual reports is collected by Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts, which includes the Lower Elkhorn NRD.

In 2022, Norfolk and Wayne recorded their driest years on record; records that were first recorded in 1854 for the National Weather Service’s Karl Stefan Airport station.  In April of 2022, most of the LENRD was in a severe (D2) drought.  As the summer continued, much of the district transitioned into an extreme (D3) and an exceptional (D4) drought.  As a result, the LENRD board approved the recommendations presented by the district’s Ad-Hoc Drought Response Committee, to limit municipal water supply wells to 250 gallons per day per capita for any city or town in a D3 or D4 designation, while irrigation wells (that do not already have an allocation) will be limited to 15 inches per acre for each certified irrigated acre, for any well located in a designated D3 or D4 area.   Bruckner said, “The decision from the board to impose allocations for this year was to protect the health and welfare of the public during the drought, but also to minimize negative impacts to groundwater supplies.  Given the tendency of drought conditions to extend into multiple calendar years, the district felt compelled to take proactive measures in the event the acute condition decided to linger into 2023, or worse yet, into 2024 and beyond.”

Drought conditions have eased in some areas since the beginning of the year, but 98% of the state remains in varying degrees of drought.  Bruckner added, “We would like to see more rain in the coming weeks, and hopefully this precipitation will provide sufficient improvement to bring some areas out of allocation.  However, if the drought lingers on, producers will need to be prepared for the pumping limits this summer and possibly next year as well.”

Currently, the entire district, except the NW 1/3 of Pierce County are still in the D3 or D4 drought as indicated by the U.S. Drought Monitor, which is updated on a weekly basis.  If drought conditions are downgraded to a D2 designation for a period of 14 consecutive days, the drought-imposed restriction would be lifted for those wells and locations within that D2 designated area.

Position open for Communications Specialist

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) has an immediate opening for a Communications Specialist. This position involves the independent preparation and distribution of informational materials to educate the public about the LENRD’s projects, programs, goals, and policies.

Work involves preparing a variety of written informational materials including newsletter articles and press releases, fact sheets, posters, brochures, and display ads; coordinating audio and visual information; website development, and social media marketing. Consulting with individuals from government agencies, community organizations, and citizen advisory groups is also important.

The successful candidate should possess strong writing, organizational, and teamwork skills; have a working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suites and Microsoft Office, and the ability to handle multiple tasks. 

This position comes with an excellent benefits package. Review of resumes will begin April 24, 2023 – open until filled.  Send to: Lower Elkhorn NRD, Attn: Mike Sousek, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk, NE 68701.

Groundwater allocations approved for 2023

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) drew a crowd for their October board meeting to hear discussions about possible groundwater use restrictions for next year.  Because the district continues to be in a D3 & D4 drought, as determined by the U.S. Drought Monitor, the board must make decisions by November 1st about any limited use of water for the following year, according to the LENRD’s drought management plan.

The board approved the recommendations presented at their October meeting, by the Ad-Hoc Drought Response Committee, to limit the amount of groundwater use in 2023.  The decision will limit municipal water supply wells to 250 gallons per day per capita for any city or town in a D3 or D4 designation, while irrigation wells (that do not already have an allocation) will be limited to 15 inches per acre for each certified irrigated acre, for any well located in a designated D3 or D4 area.  Municipalities will also be required to adopt a plan for water conservation practices and water use restrictions and provide a copy to the LENRD by March 1st, 2023.

Chad Korth, LENRD director from Meadow Grove, said, “We wanted everybody involved in our discussions, not just agriculture.  That’s why the municipalities are included, we’re all in this together.  The idea is to preserve this water for the next generation.”

Mike Sousek, LENRD general manager, said, “The decision from the board to impose allocations for next year is in response to the responsibility to protect the health and welfare of the public during a drought, but it’s also the first step in the plan to minimize negative impacts to groundwater supplies.  If it doesn’t rain, we have to be prepared, not only for next year, but for the year or two following.  We are being proactive.  We have to prepare for the worst and help producers plan for a possible shortage of water in year 2 or 3 of the drought.”  Sousek added, “Of course, if drought conditions are downgraded to a D2 designation for 14 consecutive days, all restrictions will be lifted.”

The district also made the decision to forego the consideration of requests for new uses of groundwater for irrigation.  Sousek said, “This will allow for the completion of previously approved projects and to monitor and assess impacts to groundwater supplies for all users.”

In other action, the board directed staff to contact producers whose irrigation wells have exceeded the annual allocation for groundwater uses for 2022, as outlined in the LENRD’s conditions for approval policy for new irrigation wells.  Violators could receive a penalty that would reduce their allocation for the next 2 years.  Public hearings will be held with the board on each individual case.

To learn more about the 12 responsibilities of Nebraska’s NRDs and how your local district can work with you and your community to protect your natural resources, visit lenrd.org and sign up for our monthly emails.  The next board of directors committee meeting will be Thursday, November 10th at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:00 p.m. and on Facebook Live.

FFA State Land Judging competition challenges youth near Gering

Students and instructors from 29 high schools met near Gering to compete in State Land Judging Oct. 19. The North Platte Natural Resources District (NRD) partnered with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to host the annual competition.

With towering bluffs rising to the north, students judged in a dryland corn field southwest of Wildcat Hills Recreation Area.

“We are honored to host the State Land Judging contest,” said Scott Schaneman, North Platte NRD general manager. “Our region’s unique bluffs have a rich geological history and it’s a great opportunity for our youth to learn about the value of soil resources in western Nebraska. We are thankful for the many volunteers and partnering agencies who helped make this contest a tremendous success.”

Land Judging is a high school competition that challenges students to gain a better understanding of soil structure and land evaluation. Teams consist of four students from the same FFA chapter, and a few individuals who qualified separate from a team. Each participant learns how to recognize the physical features of the soil, determine land capability for crop production, and evaluate management practices needed for proper stewardship.

During the competition, students judge four soil pits using an evaluation card to make assessments on: soil depth, surface texture, permeability, slope, thickness of surface and erosion. Each evaluation card is scored and added together to determine overall scores for individuals and the team. In order to compete in the state contest, teams advance from one of the seven regional competitions hosted across the state in October.

2022 State Land Judging Individual Champions:

  1. Ashlynn Millikan, Norfolk

  2. Colton Miller, Lyons-Decatur

  3. Aiden Cuba, Twin River

  4. Clay Maloloey, Holdrege

  5. Jameson Doyle, Hampton

2022 State Land Judging Team Champions:

  1. Norfolk (Ashlynn Millikan, Cole Ransen, Mercer Thierry and Eatherton Madison)

  2. Hampton (Jameson Doyle, Brooke Lubke, Edward VanLandingham and Korbin Stump)

  3. Southwest (Mitchel Stritt, Hunter Blume, Treven Critchfield and Nathan Rippe)

  4. Bayard (Nolan Dueker, Taylor Petersen, Cambree Schmaltz and Riley Hopkins)

  5. Lewiston (Jaqueline Mullins, Taven Borcher, Leah Christen and Jazmine Thomsen)

These top five Nebraska teams will advance to the national competition hosted in Oklahoma City May 2-4, 2023. For more information on Nebraska Land Judging, visit www.nrdnet.org.

Best Management Practices are key, especially in dry times

As dry conditions continue, it not only affects this year’s crop, but could impact next year’s as well, leaving aquifers deeply impacted.  At their September board meeting, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) voted to formally declare a drought across their 15-county district.

Mike Sousek, general manager for the LENRD, said, “It’s important that we’re all conserving the groundwater we share.  If this situation continues, our board will have some tough decisions to make by Nov. 1st.”  If the district remains in a D3 or D4 drought designation, November 1st is the deadline for the board to make any decisions concerning water use restrictions for next year.

Many cities and towns across the district have water-saving measures in place, encouraging residents to limit their water use on their scheduled days.  The LENRD reminds citizens to work together to conserve water.  Sousek said, “We can help each other by using less water and being mindful of our day-to-day usage.” 

Best Management Practices (BMPs) are important when managing any conservation plan, especially in dry times.  The district has cost-share funding available for BMPs and encourages producers to stop by their local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office or the LENRD office in Norfolk, to look over their options and apply for the best program to fit their needs. 

Water can be efficiently applied at different rates throughout the field, using Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI).  Over-applying water to the soil could cause nutrient runoff or leaching beyond the root zone of the plant.  Using VRI and other management tools can help prevent over-watering and could potentially improve water quality. 

Soil moisture sensors are another tool that can be cost-shared with the LENRD.  The sensors can help determine when and where the water is needed, saving the producers time and money.  Telemetry programs are also available to connect with the sensors, giving producers quality information at their fingertips. 

Water flow meters are another management tool that the district uses to measure the pumping on wells with annual allocations.  Allocations in some areas have been put in place to protect current water users while allowing for the expansion of new uses.  Meters first became a requirement within the LENRD in July of 2007, when the installation of a flow meter became a requirement for any new high capacity well.  After the drought of 2012, it became evident that we needed to be even more proactive in the management of our groundwater since numerous in-season groundwater shortages were reported across the district.  This led to the delineation of several Quantity Management Subareas which triggered the requirement to install a flow meter on existing irrigation wells within the delineated areas and attached annual groundwater allocations to some of those wells.  In 2017, five years after the drought, the board also made the decision to have a sign-up period for new groundwater irrigated acres, along with a meter requirement for all high-capacity wells located within the 15-county district.  Sousek said, “While the flow meter serves as the measurement device for our regulatory mechanisms, they also provide valuable information to well owners and farm operators regarding the amount of irrigation water applied to their agricultural lands, and for assessing annual water use for industry, livestock, and municipal needs as well.”

By periodically checking your irrigation meter, you can see how fast you’re using the resource and the amount being used.  Meters allow you to keep track of your allocation (if you have one), to check your pivot’s efficiency, and to detect any well or pump problems before they become severe.  Everything in agriculture is constantly measured and calculated.  Measuring and managing the water with flow meters is another important part of a producer’s management plan. 

Sousek added, “Keeping track of your water meter during the growing season can help determine how close you are getting to the annual allocation.  You can also improve your irrigation efficiency by keeping track of how much water was applied the previous week and comparing that number to the crop water use data.  If you applied more water than the crop used the previous week, you may not be making room to store potential rainfall or water may be leaching below the root zone.” 

Water savings can also be found with healthy soils.  Soils with more organic matter can hold more moisture but building up the soil profile takes time.  The LENRD encourages producers to take advantage of cost-share money available for planting cover crops and continue to develop healthy soils for enhanced water infiltration, water holding capacity, and nutrient management.  Watering less often, saving time and money is the key.  Good ground cover also prevents further wind erosion, keeping the soil in place.  Healthy soils can also assist in protecting the quality of the water. 

With the LENRD’s Conservation Cost-Share Program, there are many options for producers who are looking to conserve water, but also to protect the quality of their water at the same time.  Sousek said, “Stop by or give us a call.  We can work together to find the program that is right for you and your operation.” 

The next Committee meeting for the LENRD board is Thursday, October 13th at 7:00 p.m. at the LENRD office in Norfolk and on Facebook Live.

Wonderful World of Water program held in Pierce

The 33rd annual Wonderful World of Water Festival was held September 21 at Gilman Park in Pierce.  Fourteen teams of ninth and tenth grade students from 7 schools across Northeast Nebraska descended upon the park for a day of outdoor hands-on activities and a chance to compete for championship honors. 

The day began with registration at Gilman Park followed by the teams competing in a track of hands-on activities focusing on water quality and other natural resources related issues.  The teams were then quizzed regarding those sessions to accumulate points for the competition.  Following the educational sessions, the teams were given one last chance to extend their point totals by participating in the Dripial Pursuit Trivia Game.  Then while the final totals were being calculated each team was given the opportunity to participate in the Wonderful World of Water special project.

The special project was Water Rockets, which is, a program taught through the Jr. Academy of Sciences.  Each school was invited to build water rockets and demonstrate their knowledge of mass, velocity and engineering.  The rockets were judged on distance and creativity.  Several rockets were launched Wednesday with Allen High School first for Farthest Distance Traveled; Wausa High School recognized for Shortest Distance Traveled; and, Pierce High School Team 2 with the Most Creative Design.   

Following the presentation of the special projects, the winners of the 2022 Northeast Nebraska Wonderful World of Water were announced.  The winner of Track 1 was Pierce High School Team 1 consisting of Skylar Scholting, Elijah Streff, Aubrey Hanson, Natalie Kosch and Taydym Koch.  The winning team from Track 2 was Pope John High School Team 2 consisting of Quinn Hoefer, Harlie Tyler, Tessa Barlow, Camy Kittelson, Reese Stuhr, Jovie Vaisvllas, Haley Parks and Stephanie Gutierrez.  Both First Place teams were awarded Wonderful World of Water T-shirts.   

Schools participating in this year’s event included; Niobrara High School, Pierce High School, Elgin High School, Wausa High School, Allen High School, Norfolk Catholic High School and Pope John High School. 

The Wonderful World of Water program would not be possible without our many natural resources professionals from across the area who volunteer their time each year to share their expertise; and, work with students who might be interested in a career related to natural resources.  They come from a variety of agencies including:  The Natural Resources Conservation Service; UNL Nebraska Extension; Nebraska Game and Parks; Papio-Missouri River NRD; Upper Elkhorn NRD, Lewis & Clark NRD, Lower Niobrara NRD and, Lower Elkhorn NRD.  The Wonderful World of Water was sponsored this year by:  the Upper Elkhorn NRD; Lower Elkhorn NRD; Lower Niobrara NRD; and, Lewis and Clark NRD.

The winner of Track 1 was Pierce High School Team 1 consisting of Skylar Scholting, Elijah Streff, Aubrey Hanson, Natalie Kosch and Taydym Koch.

The winning team from Track 2 was Pope John High School Team 2 consisting of Quinn Hoefer, Harlie Tyler, Tessa Barlow, Camy Kittelson, Reese Stuhr, Jovie Vaisvllas, Haley Parks and Stephanie Gutierrez.

Water conservation is urgently needed as the drought intensifies

The impacts of the drought are becoming even more serious for the citizens of northeast Nebraska as the dry conditions continue to escalate.  The attached map shows the comparison across the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) over the last few weeks, with most of the district moving from an extreme drought to an exceptional drought (D4) designation.

During the drought of 2012, many private well owners found themselves lowering their pumps to provide water in their homes for their families.  Not only did domestic wells suffer, but there were also irrigation and livestock wells that failed to function properly during the drought.

LENRD general manager, Mike Sousek, said, “Imagine coming home after work to find you have no water in your home.  Or you turn on your pivot to water your crops and there’s no pressure, or your livestock well runs dry.  These are the times we are in, and we must come together, collectively, to protect the resource that we all share.”

An exceptional drought is a critical situation, and water conservation is at utmost importance.  The average person uses 80-100 gallons of water each day.  Sousek said, “We can all use at least 20 percent less water by being more mindful of our actions, checking for leaks, installing water-saving appliances, and managing our sprinklers more efficiently.”  Cities and towns across the district have water conservation measures in place, encouraging residents to limit their water use on their scheduled days.

Farmers are also bound to certain power restrictions limiting their usage during scheduled times throughout the irrigation season.  Economics also play a large role in limiting water usage.  Sousek added, “Even with restrictions in place, we can all work harder, as individuals, to do our part in protecting the resource.  We can’t wait for the cities to tell us when to conserve or wait until our well fails and we can’t pump water for our crops, we need to save water today and prepare for what happens next, if conditions don’t improve.”

To keep groundwater levels stable and protect supplies long-term, the LENRD has allocations in place for any irrigation wells installed after 2017.  Sousek said, “We would like to remind landowners, with newer wells, to plan accordingly with their irrigation scheduling and to be aware of the current 9-acre inch allocations.  All water users need to be cognizant of the amount of water being used and be accountable to our neighbors by assuring them that we’re doing all we can to share the resource with everyone around us, especially during a drought.”

There are also allocations in the Groundwater Quantity Management Subareas across the district.  In those areas, an additional 2-acre inches are available, after September 15th, for producers who are planting a cover crop.  Sousek said, “If someone abuses this allocation, it’s not only hurting the producer, but it’s hurting all groundwater users who share the resource and could affect future management decisions by the board.”

The drought is being closely monitored by the district, with possible drought mitigation actions being considered.   These actions will be determined by the board of directors and the district’s Drought Mitigation Response Team.  Any actions the district puts into place for the 2023 growing season must be decided by Nov. 1st.

Sousek added, “It’s important to adopt the mindset that the current dry cycle could be part of a multi-year weather pattern.  There’s value in preparing ourselves for what’s ahead and conserving our groundwater to help resolve present and future water quantity issues, to protect all groundwater users.”

The next LENRD board of directors meeting will be Thursday, September 22 at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:30 p.m. and on Facebook Live.

The Unrelenting Summer of 2022

By:  Brian Bruckner, LENRD Assistant Manager

Drought is an insidious, slow-onset natural hazard that produces a complex web of impacts that ripple through many sectors of the economy, and unfortunately, we are witnessing many of the negative impacts right in our own backyard.  The unrelenting heat and lack of precipitation are withering crops and pastures, causing heat stress for livestock and humans alike, and causing many communities to enforce watering restrictions to force conservation of groundwater. The spike in demand from all groundwater users is also taking its toll, with many well owners reporting a decline in the performance of their well, causing many to lower their pumps deeper into the well casing if they have the option.  A seasonal decline in static water levels is typical with the onset of irrigation season, but conditions this summer tend to parallel those created during the acute drought that occurred in 2012.  Many observation wells in the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) suffered record declines in depths to groundwater after that event, and many are curious to compare impacts to groundwater supplies once monitoring data has been collected following the 2022 pumping season.

In 2018, the LENRD added a provision into its groundwater management plan that provides guidance towards steering a meaningful response to drought impacts, with a graduated menu of options dependent upon the severity of the drought.  This provision utilizes the U.S. Drought Monitor, and the weekly maps that are created to illustrate the current drought designation, as the basis for providing information or activities that could be implemented to protect groundwater supplies.  A refined map is released on Thursday of each week and the most recent version shows that approximately 45 percent of the LENRD is currently situated in an extreme drought, or D3 designation.  As illustrated by the week-to-week comparison maps, the extreme drought area grew, though at a slower rate than the week prior.

A weather front brought rain showers to portions of the area earlier in the week, but amounts were not significant and geographic coverage spotty and therefore the drought stress continues.  Year-to-date precipitation for Norfolk, NE is currently at 10.72”, and is the lowest amount of annual accumulated precipitation ever recorded for this location, with records dating back to 1894.  By comparison, the annual accumulated precipitation for this station was 11.80” for the same date in 2012, another year that presented numerous drought related challenges for the region.

The topic has been at the forefront of discussions between the LENRD Board of Directors and staff, given the district’s responsibility to manage groundwater supplies.  All high-capacity wells are equipped with flow meters to measure the total flow and annual amount pumped, and some irrigation wells in the district are annually limited on the total amount that can be pumped for irrigation purposes.  Limits on these wells have been imposed for one specific reason; that being the need to protect existing groundwater uses while continuing to allow for new and/or expanded uses in some portions of the LENRD.  Some well owners are approaching the annual cap that is in place for their well, and many utilize sophisticated tools to help them manage their irrigation scheduling.  But given the lack of timely rainfall in many portions of the district the demand for supplemental irrigation is likely to continue until the crop reaches maturity. 

In preparation for the future, a group comprised of board members has been designated by the Chairman of the LENRD Board of Directors to serve on the Ad Hoc Drought Response Committee.  This committee will be tasked with closely monitoring pertinent pieces of information related to the drought and groundwater supplies.  Though the future is unpredictable, the current pattern of deficit precipitation is likely to continue, and the ad hoc committee will be working on options that could be enacted by the board of directors if the negative conditions continue.  Even if precipitation patterns return to normal, groundwater recharge may lag in some areas and an enhanced frequency of groundwater monitoring is ready to be implemented to provide scientific information as the basis for groundwater management decisions.

Most Nebraskans understand that drought it not uncommon to our region and given the dry and windy conditions we experienced earlier this year, most of us saw this coming.  While we hope the future holds a wetter pattern, we also recognize that the drought could very well extend into the next year, and maybe even beyond.  Some researchers are describing the dry conditions in western U.S. as the driest in 1,200 years.  Though our current situation isn’t comparable to that in the west, the time for proactive measures is upon us to ensure that the long-term viability of the groundwater resource can be protected for the future.

Public Open House slated for August 18th for Battle Creek Watershed Plan

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold a public open house to provide an update on the Battle Creek Watershed Flood Risk Reduction Plan. The meeting will be held on Thursday, August 18, 2022, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Battle Creek Community Clubhouse, 804 South 2nd Street in Battle Creek. All are welcome to attend and provide comments or questions to the project team. The meeting will be an open house event, with a short presentation at 5:00.  Attendees are welcome to drop-in anytime between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.

This public meeting will provide an update on the planning process and review the proposed flood mitigation alternative within the Battle Creek Watershed, which spans more than 57,000 acres in Madison and Boone counties. During the public meeting, attendees will be able to learn more from project personnel, as well as ask questions and provide feedback.

Since beginning the planning process in 2020, the team has developed hydrologic and hydraulic models to show existing flooding conditions, reviewed various flood risk reduction alternatives, and have started drafting the watershed plan and environmental assessment. Current planning efforts are being led by JEO Consulting Group and will be completed by spring 2023.

The Battle Creek watershed has a long history of flooding, dating back to the 1940s, causing extensive damages and disrupting the economy of the region. Major flooding events throughout the 2000s, including Nebraska’s historical flooding event in 2019, has resulted in extensive damage worth millions of dollars. Following the catastrophic March 2019 flooding, the LENRD applied for Watershed Flood Prevention & Operations (WFPO) program funding from the NRCS, with a focus on mitigating flooding impacts within and near the City of Battle Creek.

As part of the WFPO program, the LENRD will work with the NRCS to develop the Battle Creek Watershed Work Plan – Environmental Assessment (Plan-EA). The Plan-EA will be used to help document existing problems, evaluate alternative, and identify a preferred alternative for future federal funding. 

The Plan-EA is being prepared to fulfill National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) responsibilities pertaining to federal financial assistance received through the NRCS’s WFPO Program. Part of this project includes an evaluation of environmental resources and impact considerations, and all information gathered during the public meeting will help guide the planning process. 

For more information, please contact Curt Becker, Projects Manager for the LENRD, at 402-371-7313 or cbecker@lenrd.org

Assistance available for Nebraska farmers and ranchers impacted by wildfire

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has funding available to assist agricultural producers whose land was impacted by recent wildfires. Landowners have until August 19 to apply.

Through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funding is available to help producers plan and implement conservation practices on farms and ranches impacted by natural disasters. EQIP funding is available to assist in this wildfire recovery effort by planting cover crops on impacted cropland and to defer grazing on rangeland.

“Numerous fires have impacted farmers and ranchers across Nebraska leaving ground vulnerable to erosion,” said Rob Lawson, state conservationist for NRCS. “We can assist landowners with installing conservation practices to help prevent any further damage to their agricultural land and aid in the recovery of rangeland productivity and soil health.”

Lawson encourages landowners whose agricultural operations were impacted by wildfire to visit their local NRCS field office.

“NRCS can help with recovery efforts,” Lawson said. “Our staff works one-on-one with landowners to assess the damage and develop approaches that lead to an effective recovery of the land.”

The application signup for this wildfire assistance is happening now and will run through August 19, 2022. Applications will be assessed, and even though some lands may be eligible for assistance, it is not guaranteed that all acres will receive financial assistance due to limited funding.

Interested landowners and operators should contact their local NRCS office in the USDA Service Center for applications and more information.

Groundbreaking held for Riverfront Project

By Nick Stevenson, City of Norfolk - Communications Manager

A groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday morning in Johnson Park, officially recognizing the beginning of the North Fork Riverfront Project after six years of planning and fundraising.

At its core, the North Fork River Restoration project includes the removal of a 6’ drop structure and a 6’ spillway at the bridge on First Street and the incorporation of eight, 18” drop points between the railroad bridge and the take-out point immediately south of the newly, redeveloped Norfolk Avenue bridge. The drop points will introduce white water characteristics to the river, provide beautification along the bank corridors, and enhance aquatic habitat including fish passages at each drop restoring the ability for fish to easily move upstream.

“One of the largest quality-of-life investments in Norfolk’s history, this project reenergizes the very place that first gave life to our community, utilizes our natural resources to promote outdoor recreation and tourism, and acts as a catalyst to private reinvestment that is already transforming downtown Norfolk into one of the state’s most unique, vibrant mixed-use environments,” said Norfolk Mayor Josh Moenning. 

The Johnson Park revitalization plan focuses on the rehabilitation of a park that was once considered an integral part of Norfolk’s economic and cultural identity. The plan includes varying degrees of grading to provide safe, ADA access to the river, introduces additional parking, provides for enhanced festival space, and cultivates the expansion of youth amenities. The introduction of an amphitheater with a permanent stage and grass seating for hundreds will establish another unique, outdoor venue for concerts, plays, and ceremonies in Norfolk.

“What we’re trying to do is attract young people that live in communities throughout Northeast Nebraska, to give them an option to come to Norfolk and start their career in the hopes that they’re able to move back to the family farm and raise their grandkids in Randolph, in Neligh, in Wayne, and in Humphrey. This is bigger than Norfolk this is about the area. Norfolk is investing in our core, we are putting money to the place that our community started,” said Nebraska First District Congressman Mike Flood. 

The project is being funded by a combination of grant resources, keno funds, and private sector donations.

Left to Right: Traci Jeffrey, Executive Director of Norfolk Area Visitors Bureau, Andy Colvin, Norfolk City Administrator, Steve Rames, Norfolk Public Works Director, Lt Governor Mike Foley, Darrel Novacek, Riverfront Fundraising Committee Member,. Angie Stenger, Executive Director of Growing Together, Joe Ferguson, Riverfront Fundraising Committee Member, Mayor Josh Moenning, Nebraska First District Congressman Mike Flood, Mike Sousek, General Manager of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District, Jason Love, Riverfront Fundraising Committee Chair, & Nathan Powell, Norfolk Parks and Recreation Director.

Signup for irrigated acres 'on hold' due to drought conditions

As the drought continues to intensify across the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), some landowners are experiencing fluctuations in their well pressure.

At their July meeting, the LENRD board postponed the discussion about a new irrigated acre signup until a later date and directed staff to continue to monitor the drought and groundwater levels.

Brian Bruckner, LENRD Assistant Manager, said, “We are already receiving calls about pumping conflicts, with several weeks left in the irrigation season.  I think it would be irresponsible for us to move forward with scheduling a signup period during the current drought conditions.”

If the drought persists, the board will make any necessary decisions about 2023 water restrictions by November 1st.

The discussion of the Battle Creek Watershed Plan was also on the agenda.  Several members from the public voiced their desire for more information about other options to reduce flooding in the watershed.  There will be a Public Open House for the Battle Creek Watershed Flood Risk Reduction Plan on Thursday, August 18th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Battle Creek Community Clubhouse at 804 South 2nd Street.  This open house will allow the public the opportunity to review the information from the recent study by JEO Consulting Group.  The project team will be available for questions.

In other business, the board accepted the low bid from Pruss Excavation, of Dodge, for the Scribner streambank repair project on the Elkhorn River in the amount of $131,334.  This project will be cost-shared with Dodge County, the City of Scribner, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency, and the LENRD.

The next LENRD committee of the whole meeting will be held Thursday, August 11th at 7:00 p.m. with the board meeting to follow on Thursday, August 25th at 7:30 p.m.  Watch for further updates and stay connected by subscribing to monthly emails at lenrd.org.

$1.032 million presented to the City of Norfolk to revitalize riverfront

Imagine floating peacefully down a lazy river with family and friends, then drifting into a downtown area where great food, shopping, and live music await.  It’s a dream that is coming true for people in and around Norfolk who have raised millions in grants and matching funds to transform the city’s downtown riverfront district into one of the finest tourism destinations in northeast Nebraska.

Several board members and staff for the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) presented a check to the city Thursday, July 14th at 5:00 p.m. near the project site on First Street.  The LENRD board of directors made the decision to support the project in 2018 when they voted to provide $1.032 million to the North Fork Riverfront Development Project.

Mike Sousek, LENRD general manager, said, “The plan to develop the Norfolk riverfront is nothing new to this district.  The first stages of the original project were studied by the city and the LENRD in 1974.  Over the past 10 years, the study has found new life and is finally becoming a reality.”

This long-term vision set in place almost 50 years ago has exploded with dreams of restaurants, new business locations, housing, bike lanes, and more.  The original “riverwalk group” as they were sometimes called, pictured the river walk in San Antonio, and have scaled it to fit the needs of the Norfolk Area.  Norfolk Mayor Josh Moenning, the North Fork Development Committee, and other local leaders have envisioned the area being used to generate new cultural and recreational opportunities, providing a regional destination for working, playing, and living environments.

Sousek said, “The river is a natural resource with a rich history that should be protected and utilized for the benefit of the local area.  Maintaining strong community partnerships over the years have increased our success in the development of recreational facilities as well as our mission for improving the quality of life for our citizens.”

The North Fork Riverfront Development Project will be home to a water trail that will allow tubers and kayakers to access the river and float directly to the heart of downtown.  Other extensive park improvements, walking and biking trails, and an outdoor amphitheater are also planned.

Water quality will be another large component of this regional partnership.  The LENRD awarded Norfolk Public Schools with a grant to start a Watershed Dynamics Program.  Jonathan Anderson, FFA Advisor with Norfolk Public Schools, along with their science and agriculture departments, are teaming up to partner with the City of Norfolk and the LENRD to collect data and analyze the water quality of the Elkhorn River.  The Watershed Team will focus on three locations on the North Fork of the Elkhorn River and will collect samples at different times of the year to help with analysis.

Sousek added, “The LENRD’s investment in the riverfront development project is about building an environment that will bring people back to northeast Nebraska.  The economic benefits that this project will have for this area will be monumental and we’re excited to be a part of it.”

LENRD General Manager Mike Sousek presents City of Norfolk Mayor Josh Moenning with a check in the amount of $1.032 million for the North Fork Riverfront Development Project.

Governor Ricketts Proclaims July 11-15 as NRD Week

The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) Executive Committee make NRD Week (July 11-15, 2022) official with a proclamation from Gov. Pete Ricketts. From left, NARD Past President Jim Eschliman (Lower Loup NRD), NARD Executive Director Dean Edson, NARD President Dr. Orval Gigstad (Nemaha NRD), NARD Secretary/Treasurer Joel Hansen (Lower Elkhorn NRD), and NARD Vice President Martin Graff (Middle Niobrara NRD).

LINCOLN, Nebraska – With the swoosh of a pen and eager applause, Gov. Pete Ricketts proclaims July 11-15, 2022, as NRD Week in Nebraska to celebrate Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) 50th anniversary.

“We are proud to celebrate five decades of protecting, conserving and improving Nebraska’s nature resources,” said Dr. Orval Gigstad, Nebraska Association of Resources Districts president. “It’s amazing to see the conservation progress that has been made these last 50 years and NRD directors and staff know the work we do today – planting trees, water management, soil health – will directly impact our future.”

After the devastation of the Dust Bowl, special purpose districts were developed to solve local soil and water-related problems. But the puzzle of overlapping authorities and responsibilities provided confusion at best.

In 1969, Senator Maurice Kremer introduced legislative bill 1357 to combine Nebraska’s 154 special purpose entities into 24 Natural Resources Districts by July 1972. In 1989, The Middle Missouri Tributaries NRD and the Papio NRD merged to become the Papio-Missouri River NRD resulting in today’s 23 Natural Resources Districts.

Today, Nebraska’s unique system of locally controlled, watershed-based conservation is widely admired throughout the nation.

NRDs deliver several state and federal programs including many projects with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), Nebraska Department of Natural Resources (NeDNR) and the University of Nebraska. These partnerships equate into real dollars for Nebraska agriculture and communities.

“Nebraska policymakers had incredible foresight when creating the NRDs realizing that our strength lies in collaboration with partners to champion conservation,” Dr. Gigstad said. “Our partnerships with local, state and federal agencies have helped deliver conservation to millions of acres reducing soil loss and improving water quality and quantity.”

Across the state, Natural Resources Districts construct projects, implement programs and aid landowners in conservation and natural resources management. When necessary, they enact regulations to protect our resources. While all NRDs share the 12 main responsibilities, each district sets its own priorities and develops its own programs to best serve and protect Nebraska’s natural resources. Often the most recognizable NRD responsibilities include groundwater management, flood protection and conservation trees.

Governor Rickets signs the proclamation.

Groundwater Management

Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts are responsible for protecting one of our most precious resources – groundwater. This mean ensuring there is enough for all users and protecting it from pollution.

As the No. 1 irrigated state in the nation, managing Nebraska’s water to ensure there is enough for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes is essential. NRDs work with irrigators to monitor water use, establish groundwater recharge projects, and implement water-wise programs. This is especially important during times of drought.

NRDs have been developing groundwater quality plans since the 1980s, which are an essential part of protecting our water. Addressing groundwater quality issues requires regular data collection and recognizing and planning for changing conditions. Regulatory and taxing authorities allow NRDs to develop locally based incentive and educational programming and to enforce regulations when needed to protect Nebraska’s groundwater today and into the future.

Flood Protection

From Gering Valley in the Nebraska Panhandle to Papillion Creek in the Omaha metro, NRDs across the state employ a watershed protection approach. Utilizing floodplain management measures, NRDs design and build dams, levees, dikes, drainage ditches and other structures to keep flood waters from taking lives or damaging crops, buildings and roads.

Flood control projects are developed for multiple purposes and often provide the additional benefit of recreation including activities such as boating, fishing, camping, wildlife viewing and pedestrian trails. Trails are built atop levees and flood-control reservoirs often develop into recreation areas. Habitat areas and wetlands are available for hunters and often preserved for interpretative nature study.

Conservation Tree Program

This spring, the NRD Conservation Tree Program planted its 100 millionth tree – that’s approximately 50 trees for each Nebraskan. Annually, the NRD Conservation Tree Program provides hundreds of thousands of low-cost, bulk trees and shrubs for windbreaks, erosion control, wildlife habitat and other conservation purposes. Districts collect orders for trees between November and March, then trees are distributed in April for spring planting. 

Natural Resources Districts’ staff and directors will plant the ceremonious 100 millionth tree on the Nebraska Capitol grounds in a public ceremony this fall.

Dr. Gigstad noted that Nebraska’s NRDs will continue to adapt to meet future conservation needs.

“Protecting our precious resources like soil and water is something we can all agree on,” he said. “NRDs are uniquely positioned to help manage our natural resources to protect lives, property and the future of Nebraska’s communities.” 

To join in the 50th anniversary celebration and follow the Natural Resources Districts’ special activities throughout 2022, visit www.nrdnet.org and follow #Since1972 on social media.

The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD), the trade association for Nebraska's 23 Natural Resources Districts (NRD), works with individual districts to protect lives, property and the future of Nebraska’s natural resources. NRDs are unique to Nebraska, and act as local government entities with broad responsibilities to protect Nebraska’s natural resources. Major Nebraska river basins form the boundaries of the 23 NRDs, enabling districts to respond to local conservation and resource management needs. Learn more about Nebraska’s NRDs at www.nrdnet.org.

LENRD is hiring an Office Assistant

The Lower Elkhorn NRD is hiring an Office Assistant. This position provides general administrative support involving a variety of specialized tasks, requiring independent decision-making. Work involves assisting walk-in traffic, answering phones, and daily clerical functions within the LENRD office. The assistant will also work with cooperating agencies and organizations in support of the NRD’s projects and programs. Clerical assistance will also be provided to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources.

The successful candidate should possess social, organizational, and teamwork skills; have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office, and the ability to handle multiple tasks.

This position comes with an excellent benefits package. Review of resumes will begin July 22, 2022. Send to: Lower Elkhorn NRD, Attn: Mike Sousek, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk, NE 68701.

Position open for Communications Specialist

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) has an immediate opening for a Communications Specialist. This position involves the independent preparation and distribution of information and related materials to educate the public about the LENRD’s projects, programs, goals, and policies.

Work involves preparing a wide variety of written informational materials including newsletter articles and news releases, fact sheets, posters, brochures, and display ads; coordinating audio and visual information; website development, and social media marketing. Consulting with individuals from government agencies, community organizations, and citizen advisory groups is also important.

The successful candidate should possess social, organizational, and teamwork skills; have a working knowledge of Adobe Creative Suites and Microsoft Office, and the ability to handle multiple tasks.

This position comes with an excellent benefits package. Review of resumes will begin July 22, 2022. Send to: Lower Elkhorn NRD, Attn: Mike Sousek, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard, Norfolk, NE 68701.

Nebraska's Natural Resources Districts celebrate 50 years of conservation

Once dismissed as ‘The Great American Desert,’ Nebraska is now known for its agricultural bounty and natural wonders.  Throughout 2022, Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) are celebrating 50 years, commemorating breakthroughs, and achievements in conservation.

“The NRDs have faced many changes in the last 50 years, affecting the ways we protect our natural resources for the future,” said Mike Sousek, general manager for the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), which covers all or parts of 15-countes in northeast Nebraska.  Let’s look back at how the NRDs were first organized.

After the devastation of the Dust Bowl, special purpose districts were developed across the nation to solve local soil and water-related problems.  But the overlapping of authorities and responsibilities created some confusion, which sparked Nebraska legislators to form a new plan for their state.

In 1969, Senator Maurice Kremer introduced legislative bill 1357 to combine Nebraska’s 154 special purpose entities into 24 NRDs by July 1972. The 24 district boundaries were based on the river basins, allowing for better management practices to be applied to similar topography.  In 1989, The Middle Missouri Tributaries NRD and the Papio NRD merged to become the Papio-Missouri River NRD resulting in today’s 23 NRDs.

Legislative Signing: In 1969, the 80th Unicameral created the Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) with the passage of legislative bill 1357. From left, Chester Ellis, President of Nebraska Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts; Sen. Maurice Kremer, Chairman of the Nebraska Legislature’s Agriculture and Recreation Committee; Gov. Norbert Tiemann; Warren Patefield, Immediate Past President of Nebraska Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts; Milton Fricke, Director of the National Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts; and Warren Fairchild, Executive Secretary of the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Commission.

While all NRDs share 12 main responsibilities, each district sets its own priorities and develops programs that best serve and protect their local area.  They are led by a locally elected Board of Directors, uniquely positioned right in their own communities.  Sousek said, “Funding for district projects and programs comes from leveraging collected property tax dollars to obtain grants, which account for nearly 50% of expenditures.  In most cases, your local NRD typically uses 1-2 percent of all property taxes collected in the district.”

Across the state, NRDs construct flood control projects, implement soil conservation programs, offer technical and financial assistance to landowners for natural resources management as well as forestry and recreational development.  When necessary, they enact regulations to protect our resources. 

Since being created in 1972, NRDs have experienced tremendous growth in the responsibilities given to them by state statute, especially in protecting groundwater.  Despite being the #1 irrigated state in the nation, Nebraska’s statewide groundwater levels have been sustained at levels less than a foot below the pre-irrigation development in the 1950s.  In some areas, groundwater levels are even higher.  Many states are facing massive groundwater declines with almost depleted aquifers.  Sousek said, “Nebraska’s NRDs work with irrigators to monitor water use, establish groundwater recharge projects, and implement water-wise programs.”

Groundwater quality is another responsibility of the NRDs.  In northeast Nebraska, the LENRD builds partnerships with various agencies and organizations to address water quality issues, including the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, other state and federal agencies, municipalities, counties, and private organizations.  “Nitrate levels are increasing across the state.  We are working together to identify measures used to preserve quality groundwater for the future,” said Sousek.  Visit our website www.nitrateinwater.org for more information.

The LENRD’s major accomplishments over the past 50 years include multi-purpose structures across the district.  One of those is the Willow Creek State Recreation Area (SRA) just southwest of Pierce, NE.  This flood control dam protects landowners downstream on Willow Creek, to just north of Norfolk.  The dam held back over 18,000 acre-feet of water during the historic flood of 2019, totaling over 5.86 billion gallons, preventing monumental damages further downstream.  The area is owned by the LENRD but is managed by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission as a state recreation area.  A park sticker is needed to enter the area, which boasts 124 campsites, half of which can be reserved at www.OutdoorNebraska.org 

This photo shows the excavation of the Willow Creek SRA in the early 80’s.  The recreation area opened to the public 38 years ago in 1984.

The Logan East Rural Water System is another project administered by the LENRD.  This system is the largest of its kind in the state, providing quality water to approximately 1,200 customers in portions of Burt, Dodge, and Washington counties, including the villages of Herman, Uehling, and Winslow.  The system has 3 wells and 3 towers with over 600,000 gallons of water storage and 800 miles of pipeline to rural customers.  The office for the system is in Oakland, NE.  The advisory committee is currently looking to expand the system to provide quality water for other areas in need.

The Wau-Col Regional Water System is another large project owned by the LENRD.  This system provides quality water to the villages of Belden, Magnet, and McLean.  Water is purchased from Coleridge and sent to Belden, and water is purchased from Wausa and sent to 16 rural customers as well as Magnet and McLean.  The name “Wau-Col” is derived from Wausa-Coleridge.  The system travels across 3 county lines – Knox, Cedar, and Pierce Counties.  The $3.1 million project was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Rural Development and area sponsors including the LENRD and the Lewis & Clark NRD.  The project was dedicated on August 11, 2012, at the tower site in Wausa, NE.

The Wau-Col Regional Water System tower in Wausa, Nebraska, is one of the tallest in the state at approximately 210 feet.

In the past 50 years, the LENRD has distributed over 4 million trees across its boundaries through the Conservation Tree Program.  Community Forestry and Urban Development programs also assist communities with tree planting and recreational projects.

Today, Nebraska’s unique system of locally controlled, watershed-based conservation is widely admired throughout the nation.  In recent years, at least 11 states have inquired about applying a similar system for natural resources management.

Sousek added, “After 50 years, Nebraska’s NRDs continue to adapt to the local needs of our communities to meet the challenges of today.  Join us at our Norfolk office for an Open House on July 13th to celebrate this milestone.”

The LENRD is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, July 13th at their office in Norfolk to celebrate their 50th Anniversary!  The day will begin with coffee at 10:00 a.m. with the Norfolk Area Chamber of Commerce.  The public is invited to stop by anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. for refreshments, giveaways, groundwater demonstrations, and more!  At 7:30 p.m. we will host our final “Stars, Strolls, & S’mores” event of the season at the Elkhorn Valley Museum and Verges Park.  Join us!

Original LB 1357: In 1969, Sen. Maurice Kremer introduced legislative bill 1357 to combine Nebraska’s 154 special purpose entities into 24 Natural Resources Districts by July 1972. In 1989, the Middle Missouri Tributaries NRD and the Papio NRD merged to become the Papio-Missouri River NRD resulting in today’s 23 Natural Resources Districts.

Lower Elkhorn NRD partners with Nebraska Game and Parks to repair flood damages at Willow Creek

A fisherman enjoying the restful waters of Willow Creek.

Even though the dam at the Willow Creek State Recreation Area (SRA), southwest of Pierce, did everything it was designed to do during the flood of 2019, damage to some areas of the recreation area were unavoidable.  The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) owns the recreation area and partners with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) to manage the area as a State Park.

Mike Sousek, LENRD general manager, said, “This long-standing partnership is important to the district, and we want to work with Game and Parks to repair the area and keep access to quality recreation areas available for the public.”

 At their June meeting, the LENRD board members approved the interlocal agreement with the NGPC and the invoice to repair the flood damages at the Willow Creek SRA in the amount of $19,550.

The board also discussed the drilling of 2 relief wells to relieve the pressure at the dam site.  After 2 failed attempts with a local driller, the board authorized the general manager to negotiate with another driller to complete the work.

Sousek, said, “We will work as efficiently as possible with our tax dollars to get this project completed as quickly as we can.  During the irrigation season is the optimal time when the pressure is low.”

In other action, 3 motions recommended by the Logan East Rural Water System Advisory Board were passed.  The board approved the water rate increase of 5% starting on the January 2023 billing cards; approved the well #3 rehab to replace the casing liner, screens, and pumping parts; and agreed to draw up a purchase agreement for a one-acre site of land for a new pumping well, contingent on test well water samples and satisfactory aquifer formations.

The board also accepted the resolution and participation agreement for the employee retirement plans and approved the recommendation from the executive committee for the salary adjustments and step and grade changes for fiscal year 2023.

The next LENRD committee of the whole meeting will be held Thursday, July 14th at 7:00 p.m. with the board meeting to follow on Thursday, July 28th at 7:30 p.m.  Watch for further updates and stay connected with the LENRD by subscribing to their monthly emails at lenrd.org.