At their monthly Board meeting on October 26, 2023, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) Board of Directors approved the purchase of a 14’ Dump Trailer for use at Maskenthine Recreation Area.
Tyler Warren, Recreation Area Superintendent, presented the received bids to the Directors and explained that staff was recommending the bid from DB Trailer Sales. Because of their local manufacturing, DB Trailer Sales stood out from the competition. Dimensions inside the trailer are 14’Lx82”W. There is a 7’x20’ roll up mesh tarp, barn door/spreader gate, and ramps are included.
Open House Meetings Planned for the North Fork Elkhorn River Flood Risk Reduction Plan
Brian Bruckner, LENRD General Manager, reminded Directors of the upcoming open houses for the North Fork Elkhorn River Flood Risk Reduction Plan. The North Fork Elkhorn River watershed spans approximately 242,563 acres and includes the communities of Foster, Magnet, McLean, Osmond, Pierce, Plainview, and Wausa. The meetings are being hosted by the LENRD in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
The first meeting will be held on Monday, November 6th from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Osmond City Hall, 413 N. State Street, Osmond, NE. The second meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 8th from 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Pierce County Fairgrounds Pavilion, 622 N. Brown Street, Pierce, NE 68767.
No formal presentations are planned; however, both LENRD and JEO Consulting Group representatives will be present to help explain the project and answer questions. The purpose of the open houses is to provide an overview of the project and collect input regarding flood-related experiences and concerns within the watershed. As each meeting will feature the same information, community members are invited to attend the meeting that is most convenient or works best for their schedules.
Status Update on Search for New Production Well for Logan East Rural Water System (RWS) and Possible Funding Options to Connect the Village of Craig
Shawn Blahak, Logan East RWS Manager, provided a status update on the search for a new production well for the Logan East RWS. In an effort to find a location for an additional production well, Blahak explained that he has been trying to secure locations for additional sampling on irrigation wells. Doing this will help identify potential areas to secure a spot for additional test/monitoring wells. Adding an additional production well will not only be a benefit for the Logan East RWS but will also solve a Manganese issue for the Village of Craig.
To provide additional context, General Manager Brian Bruckner explained that staff is currently exploring grants to assist with bearing the costs of the project. “Through the Emergent Contaminants and Socially Disadvantaged Communities Grant Program (EC-SDC) there is an opportunity to receive some substantial grant funds to help bear the costs of hooking up Craig; potential costs for a well; potential costs for a transmission line; and potential costs for a storage tank.”
When exploring the option of applying for the grant, the historical nitrate levels in the current Logan East RWS production wells caught the attention of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE). Though nitrate level trends have been within the range that is acceptable for public water systems, a change in the way the wells are sampled would lead one to believe that they have recently taken a steep increase. The system currently has three wells and a blended sample from the three wells was once submitted to gather data. About two years ago, the process changed and requires individual sampling of each well, even though all three of the wells are used in a series to maintain system demands. Though the Logan East RWS does not utilize any form of treatment for the water, the raw product that they deliver to their customers is safe for consumption.
Moving forward, District and Water System Staff will be working with the Logan East Advisory Committee and Board of Directors to develop a long-term plan to avoid compliance issues due to elevated groundwater nitrates. This effort will not only provide a possible solution for the Village of Craig but will ensure the long-term success and viability of the Logan East Rural Water System as a whole.
This was a non-voting item.
Application Cutoff for Natural Resource Conservation Funds Approaching – November 17th
In a monthly report provided by Robin Sutherland, NRCS/USDA District Conservationist, she gave a reminder of the November 17th cutoff for EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) applications.
Farmers and ranchers interested in preventing erosion, improving soil health, conserving water and wildlife, or making other natural resource conservation improvements to their property are encouraged to apply now for funding available from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Individuals interested in applying for these conservation programs may do so at any time, but applications need to be submitted by November 17th to be considered for Fiscal Year 2024 funding.
For more information about conservation programs and other assistance available, contact your local NRCS field office or visit
To learn more about the 12 responsibilities of the Nebraska’s NRDs and how your local district can work with you and your community to protect your natural resources, visit and sign up for our monthly emails. The next board of directors meeting will be Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at the LENRD office in Norfolk at 7:30 p.m. and on Facebook Live.