LENRD approves a lower levy for fiscal 2016 budget
/The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District’s levy is down for the 2016 fiscal budget. The board of directors set the levy on Thursday, September 10th, at the rate of 0.024061; down from last year’s rate of 0.025105 due to an overall valuation increase of 12.39% across the District. The property tax request is $6,4,224,679. Homeowners living in a home valued at $100,000 within the District will pay $24.06 in property taxes for water quality and water quantity benefits such as groundwater management, flood control, and nitrate management; as well as erosion control, recreation, cost-share to landowners who apply for conservation practices, and many other benefits that protect our natural resources and improve the quality of life.
LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “We have worked together to create this budget as a blueprint for the next fiscal year. We have addressed our 12 responsibilities throughout the document and are focused on improving the quality of life for the citizens across our district.”