Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan available for public review

In November 2018, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) began the process of updating the hazard mitigation plan. One of the benefits of completing this plan update as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is that participating communities within the district will remain eligible for mitigation grant programs. This plan examines regional and local vulnerabilities to a range of hazards (i.e. flooding, severe winter storms, drought, etc.) and identifies strategies and projects that can be implemented to reduce risk posed by these phenomena. Throughout the planning process, officials and staff from the LENRD, counties, communities, and school districts have provided insights regarding vulnerabilities, completed projects that have increased local resilience, and future opportunities to further reduce risk.

A draft of the plan has been completed and is available on the project website (https://jeo.com/lenrd-hmp) for public review. We encourage community members to review the plan, provide comments, and ask any questions they may have during the official comment period. The public review period will end on December 27th. Please submit comments and questions to Karl Dietrich via email at kdietrich@jeo.com