Request for Qualifications to repair streambank stabilization project on the Elkhorn River near Scribner
/The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) is seeking a qualified engineering firm to guide us as we repair damages suffered from the March 2019 flood event. The repairs consist primarily of streambank erosion on the Elkhorn River near Scribner, NE. The LENRD needs to hire an engineer to provide the necessary engineering services required by FEMA to repair the project.
If your firm is interested, has the qualified staff to take on the work immediately, and feels they know our District needs, please submit your qualifications to the LENRD. One hard copy and an electronic copy of your qualifications/proposals must be submitted to: Lower Elkhorn NRD, C/O Curt Becker, 1508 Square Turn Boulevard - Norfolk, NE 68701 by the end of business day on January 31st, 2020.
Submittal Requirements & Scope of Work can be found by clicking the button below, or by contacting the LENRD. Questions regarding the RFQ can be addressed to the LENRD Projects Manager, Curt Becker, at 402-371-7313 or