LENRD Board moves forward with watershed study

For the first time in 47 years, the board room at the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) office was empty as the board held their March meeting online via audio/video conferencing.

LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “The world is navigating through uncharted waters as the coronavirus pandemic continues.  As we practice social distancing, the office remains closed to the public until further notice.  Even though the office doors are closed, most of our staff are working off-site to ensure that we continue to offer a high-level of public service to the citizens of our district.”  He continued, “Our online meeting went very well and I anticipate that we’ll need to continue to use the video conferencing format until things drastically improve.”

During the March 26th meeting, the board approved the contract with JEO Consulting Group for the Battle Creek Watershed Improvement Project Work Plan.  This contract will allow for an environmental assessment of the watershed as well as developing an approved Watershed Flood Prevention Operations (WFPO) plan with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Sousek said, “After nearly a year in the making, all the necessary paperwork with the USDA has been signed and approved to secure the WFPO grant with NRCS.  This grant in the amount of $390,000 will complete a watershed study in the Battle Creek area and offer further information for a flood prevention plan for the entire watershed.  This study will take approximately 18 months to complete.”

The board also instructed staff to apply for a new WFPO grant through NRCS to develop a watershed plan for the Maple Creek Watershed.

In other action, the board approved the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Scribner and Dodge County for the Elkhorn River Bank Stabilization Project to repair damages from the 2019 flood.

Sousek added, “Don’t hesitate to reach out to us during these uncertain times.  We are returning phone calls and emails and meeting virtually, it’s business as usual for us here.  We also have a drop box located at our main entrance on the west side of the building.”

The LENRD board & staff meet each month to develop and implement management plans to protect our natural resources for the future.  The next LENRD board meeting will be Thursday, April 23rd at 7:30 p.m.  Watch for further updates and stay connected with the LENRD by subscribing to their monthly emails.