Flood reduction plan extended for Battle Creek Watershed

Prevention of damages from flood water and sediment is one of the 12 responsibilities of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).

The LENRD is currently working with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and JEO Consulting Group (JEO) to complete a study of the Battle Creek Watershed.  A motion to extend the contract with JEO was on the LENRD’s February meeting agenda.

Concerned citizens from the Battle Creek Watershed packed the board room to voice their opinions about the plan and the contract extension.  Many submitted photos and letters to express to the board their desire to see something done to protect their town.  Others expressed concern about their farmland and if the potential projects would impact their future in agriculture.

Curt Becker, LENRD Projects Manager, said, “This planning process is an important step in looking at potential flood reduction projects across the watershed.  To meet federal funding guidelines, the study will look at every alternative and will evaluate the benefits and cost of each potential project.”

Kurt Janke, LENRD board member from Wayne, said, “The city of Battle Creek came to us asking for help.  I think we owe it to them to finish this study.”

The consensus of the crowd was for everyone to work together to come up with a solution, and not to pit agriculture against city and city against agriculture.  Jeremy Grant, a farmer in the watershed, said, “When the engineers make these maps and look at it and say, well there’s no farm places there, there’s no buildings, there’s nothing there, well, that nothing is me, that nothing is my livelihood, and my business.  I just ask the board to consider all the options.”

Rod Zohner, LENRD board member from Battle Creek, said, “I will not support any dam on the Battle Creek.  I’m interested in seeing more about the other alternatives.”

After a lengthy discussion, and after hearing the testimonies and the presentation from the city of Battle Creek, the board voted to extend the contract with JEO.  The reason for the extension is due to changes in the NRCS requirements of the plan.  Therefore, NRCS will pay the total cost of the contract extension.  The extension will provide additional project management and coordination, wetland delineation, cultural resources, and economic evaluations for a total of $149,500.

The 90% study completion update will be given by JEO at a board meeting later this year.

In other action, the board approved the 2021 crop damage agreement near the Willow Creek Lake in the amount of $3,194.97.

The next LENRD board meeting will be Thursday, March 24th at 7:30 p.m.  Watch for further updates and stay connected with the LENRD by subscribing to their monthly emails.