Public meeting to present helicopter flight data in Bazile Groundwater Management Area on Wednesday

The Bazile Groundwater Management Area Project will be holding a presentation in Creighton, NE on Wednesday, March 15th at 3:00 p.m. at the VFW Hall to present the groundwater mapping data from the helicopter flights flown last July.  The meeting is open to the public.  Light refreshments will be provided.  For more information contact Tanner Jenkins, Project Coordinator at 402-336-3867.

A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held March 23rd

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will conduct a public hearing to certify irrigated acres on March 23, 2017 at 7:30 p.m.  The hearing will be held at the Lifelong Learning Center, located on the campus of Northeast Community College - 601 East Benjamin Avenue in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in this certification hearing.  If you have any questions about this hearing or the certification process, contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD office, 402-371-7313.

Acres to be certified

Public Hearing policy

Contested Hearing form

Drought Management Plan draft available for review

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) is taking proactive steps to reduce the impacts of future drought events.  One of these steps is the development of the Drought Management Plan.  The Drought Management Plan defines drought locally and identifies processes to respond to and manage the impacts of future drought events.

The Drought Management Plan was developed with the intention that it be adopted as an appendix of the 2015 LENRD Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The public is encouraged to review the plan and provide comments, no later than January 25th, 2017.

The Drought Management Plan was funded by a FEMA planning grant. The cost is shared 75% through federal funding and 25% through a local match. The LENRD is providing the 25% local match. The LENRD hired JEO Consulting Group, Inc. (JEO) to assist with the plan development. 

For more information on this planning effort, contact Brian Bruckner, LENRD Water Resources Manager, at 402-371-7313 or

Drought Management Plan - DRAFT for public review

Flow meter certification training to be held January 11th

In an effort to remain proactive in the management of our groundwater, flow meters are required on all active high capacity wells within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) by January 1, 2018.

All meters need to be installed by a certified installer.  If you’re interested in installing your own meter, please contact Curt Becker at the LENRD office, or plan on attending the next training on Wednesday, January 11th.

Training Schedule – January 11th

The LENRD has secured two grants to assist landowners with the expense of this requirement.  Please contact your local NRCS office or the LENRD for more information.

Groundwater Management addressed during three public hearings

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) held three public hearings during their December board meeting to address modifications to their Rules and Regulations for Management of Groundwater, changes to the LENRD Groundwater Management Plan, and to certify irrigated acres.

The first hearing was to accept public comment on changes to the Rules and Regulations for Management of Groundwater which modified the controls in place for any Phase 2 or Phase 3 Area in the LENRD, and establishes a set of controls for a Phase 4 Area, with all changes intended to provide greater protection of groundwater quality in the LENRD.  The proposed changes will add the prohibition of fall and winter application of commercial nitrogen to fields within the Phase 2 Area between the dates of October 15 and March 15 to further reduce the chance of nitrate-nitrogen leaching into the groundwater.  Although there are currently no areas in the LENRD that are designated as Phase 3 Areas, the changes include a requirement to prohibit the application of more than 80 pounds of commercial nitrogen without the use of a district-approved nitrification inhibitor after March 15 of each year.  The producer also has the option of splitting their nitrogen applications into multiple applications to avoid this requirement.  If an inhibitor is used, proof of such use must be submitted to the district annually.  LENRD Water Resources Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “The changes also establish a set of controls for a Phase 4 Area, which can be implemented by the Board of Directors in areas with acute groundwater contamination conditions.”  The controls for a Phase 4 Area include: annual deep soil testing for nitrate-nitrogen when planting a non-legume crop (such as corn), proof of APH (actual production history) for determination of yield goals and verification of nitrogen budgets, annual sampling of irrigation wells for nitrate-nitrogen and required use of cover crops to sequester residual crop nutrients.

The next hearing was held to certify irrigated acres across the district.  767 tracts of land were certified as irrigated acres.  Approximately 88% of the district’s acres are now certified.  The next irrigated acre certification hearing will be held on March 23rd at the LENRD office in Norfolk.

The third hearing was to allow changes to be made to the Groundwater Management Plan to include the requirement of flow meter installation on high capacity wells classified for use as: public water supply wells, commercial wells, industrial wells, livestock wells, or any wells that are designed to pump more than 50 gallons per minute.  Bruckner added, “This is the first step in a two-step process to implement this requirement.  The next step will be to develop language for the Rules and Regulations for Management of Groundwater to spell out the specifics of this new requirement.”

The 2017 allocation rates were also set at the December meeting.  Each year, the board must determine the annual groundwater allocation amounts for the Wayne and Madison County Quantity Management Subareas for the upcoming crop year.  The staff recommended using the same amounts for the 2017 season.  Bruckner, said, “These allocation amounts are the same as 2016.  We are continuing to develop the framework for further expansion of irrigated acres in defined areas within the district by 2018.”

In other business, the board approved a proposal from the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission to proceed with a Bathymetric Survey of the Willow Creek reservoir.  LENRD Assistant General Manager, Ken Berney, said, “The survey will help to design potential habitat projects, and also focus on the sedimentation rate of the reservoir.  The data will be very useful in planning for the future of the recreation area.”

The next board meeting will be held on Thursday, January 26th at 7:30 p.m.


Irrigated acre certification hearing to be held on December 15th

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) is in the process of certifying irrigated acres across the 15-county district.  Once certification is completed, irrigation within the LENRD will be allowed only on acres classified as Certified Irrigated Acres.

The next Irrigated Acre Certification Public Hearing will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 15th at the LENRD office in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  The parcels to be certified are listed below, or you can view the maps at the LENRD office:  601 E. Benjamin Avenue, Suite 101 in Norfolk.

Contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD office for more information at 402-371-7313.

Hearing Policy

Fields to be certified

Contested hearing form


Public hearing to be held December 15th on proposed changes to the Groundwater Management Plan

The Lower Elkhorn NRD will hold a public hearing to receive public comment regarding proposed changes to Section 7 of the district’s groundwater management plan on Thursday, December 15th at 7:30 p.m.

In 2016, the district modified its groundwater management plan to require the installation of flow meters on irrigation wells. The proposed changes to the plan will require commercial, industrial, public water supply and livestock wells or series of wells that are designed to pump more than 50 gallons per minute to install flow meters as well.

To view the proposed changes to Section 7 of the plan, please refer to this documents below.

Anyone wishing to provide testimony regarding the proposed changes to the district’s rules is welcome do so in person at the public hearing. Written testimony will also be accepted prior to the conclusion of the public hearing.

Notice of Public Hearing

Proposed Modifications

Groundwater Management Plan


Public hearing to be held on December 15th at 6:00 p.m.

The Lower Elkhorn NRD will hold a public hearing to receive public comment regarding proposed changes to the district’s groundwater management area rules and regulations on Thursday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m.

The proposed changes are intended to improve groundwater quality protection efforts of area farmers and the district.

Anyone wishing to provide testimony regarding the proposed changes to the district’s rules is welcome do so in person at the public hearing. Written testimony will also be accepted prior to the conclusion of the public hearing. For more information about the public hearing, please refer to the links below.

Notice of Public Hearing

Explanation of the proposed changes

Amendments to the Rules

Proposed amendments to chemigation rules will be the topic of the November 22 public hearing

The Lower Elkhorn NRD will hold a public hearing during its regular board meeting on November 22, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.  The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comment on the adoption of the proposed amendments to the district's rules for chemigation.  The public notice, the explanation of the rule change, and a copy of the proposed changes are below:

Public Notice

Explanation of rule change

Proposed chemigation rule changes

Two funding sources available to assist producers with flow meter costs

All irrigation wells in the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will need a district approved flow meter installed by January 1, 2018.  The LENRD has secured two grants to assist landowners with the expense of this requirement.

1)  RCPP:  The LENRD received one of 6 Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) grants in Nebraska to fund producers’ irrigation water management projects.  The RCPP is administered by the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

The RCPP grant, under the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), includes incentive payments for the installation of irrigation flow meters, irrigation water management, and nutrient management.  The RCPP grant is for producers who want to utilize more technology in their Irrigation Water Management (IWM).  In addition, the LENRD will offer incentive payments of $250 per flow meter to producers who are approved for the EQIP/RCPP funding.

Landowners must apply at their local NRCS office prior to October 21, 2016, and be approved for EQIP/RCPP funding prior to purchase and installation of the flow meter.

2)  WSF:  The LENRD has also received a grant from Nebraska’s Water Sustainability Fund (WSF), administered by the Nebraska Natural Resources Commission, to assist landowners with the purchase of flow meters.

With the WSF grant, the LENRD will pay producers $500 per flow meter.  All producers who have installed flow meters on or after November 25th, 2015, or producers who have yet to install their flow meters, can now apply for the $500 incentive payments until the funds run out.  Application for the flow meter cost-share can be completed by visiting your local NRCS office or the LENRD office in Norfolk.

LENRD water resources manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “These incentives are available for producers on a first-come, first-served basis.  There is enough grant money to cost-share on 3,000 of the estimated 4,500 meters left to install.  Therefore, it’s very important that producers apply at their local NRCS office or the LENRD office as soon as possible.”


A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held September 8

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will conduct a public hearing to certify irrigated acres on September 8, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. The hearing will be held at the Lifelong Learning Center, located on the campus of Northeast Community College - 601 East Benjamin Avenue in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in this certification hearing.  If you have any questions about this hearing or the certification process, contact Mike Murphy at the LENRD.

Acres to be certified

Public Hearing Policy

Cost-share on flow meters available until June 30, 2017

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) received a grant from Nebraska’s Water Sustainability Fund (WSF) and has cost-share available for producers who have yet to install flow meters on their irrigation wells.  All irrigation wells in the LENRD will need a district approved flow meter installed by January 1, 2018.

To assist landowners with the expense of this requirement, the LENRD will provide financial support of $500 per flow meter.  It is important to note that landowners must first apply and be approved for reimbursement, prior to purchase and installation of the meter.  Application for the flow meter cost-share can be completed by visiting your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office and filling out the appropriate application forms.  These requests are then forwarded to the LENRD for processing.

In addition, the LENRD will offer incentive payments of $250 per flow meter to producers who are approved for the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) funding.  The EQIP program is administered by NRCS and offers a host of incentives for irrigation water management.

LENRD water resources manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “The deadline to have flow meters installed on all irrigation wells is January 1, 2018.  These incentives are available for producers who get signed up for the cost-share by June 30, 2017.  The maximum payment that a producer can receive is $5,000 per year for irrigation practices.”

Nebraska’s Natural Resources Commission approved nearly $11.5 million in projects through the WSF, with $900,000 being awarded to the LENRD for water and soil conservation.  The LENRD will provide a match of $600,000.  This will allow the district to have $1.5 million available for cost-share assistance on irrigation flow meters.

Helicopter to make low-level flights to collect groundwater data

Northeast Nebraska residents should not be alarmed if they see a low-flying helicopter in their area over the coming weeks.  Flights will begin this week and continue until early August over portions of the following counties:  Madison, Platte, Pierce, Knox, Cedar, Dixon, Wayne, and Cuming Counties.  Visit to see detailed locations of planned flights.

The helicopter will fly lines spaced approximately 3 miles apart over most of the area.  Scientific equipment is towed about 100 feet below the helicopter in a ‘spider web’ array and is designed to map geologic structures beneath the earth.

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), along with the members of the Eastern Nebraska Water Resource Assessment (ENWRA) and the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGWMA), have planned the flights with grant assistance from the Nebraska Water Sustainability Fund and the Nebraska Environmental Trust.

According to Brian Bruckner, LENRD water resources manager, the geologic information available from the flights will improve the district’s understanding of the available groundwater resource and potential groundwater/surface water connections in an area of the state made more complex by the presence of glacial deposits.  He said, “Understanding these isolated aquifers will help us to protect the resource and make better management decisions in the future.”

Aqua-Geo Frameworks, LLC will oversee the flights, process the data, and produce a final report to the LENRD.  The technology they use allows for fast data acquisition, upwards of 50 miles per hour, with exploration depth hundreds of feet below the land surface.

This scientific program is designed to study the area’s water resources and is part of an ongoing program to identify physical occurrences such as changes in geologic materials and sediment types.  If you would like to learn more about the planned flights, visit the ENWRA website at under the “2016 AEM flights tab”.

AEM Flight Map - 2016


Groundwater levels continue to recover from drought of 2012

Each year, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) collects static water levels from the irrigation wells in their observation well network.  Conducted every year since the mid 1970’s, the measurement of these wells provides a wealth of important data utilized by the LENRD to manage groundwater in northeast Nebraska.  LENRD Water Resources Technician, Josh Schnitzler, said, “When we collect the water elevation data each spring, it allows us to determine the amount of recovery in the aquifer system from the previous year’s irrigation season.”

The spring 2016 groundwater level report shows that 84% of the wells measured rose from last year.  In fact, 5% of the wells recorded their highest ever spring reading.  One percent of the wells (2 of 234) recorded their lowest ever spring reading.

The LENRD’s data shows that from 1975 to the present, groundwater elevation levels have generally remained fairly constant throughout the district.  However, there have been several periods (typically following periods of drought) where groundwater levels have developed downward linear trends.  Fortunately, those drought periods eased and we returned to more normal, or above normal, periods of precipitation.  Groundwater elevations responded positively and supplies have improved.

LENRD Water Resources Manager, Brian Bruckner, explains, “Yet while all of this information is important and valuable, it can sometimes be misleading.  While it does offer us data to verify the amount of groundwater in storage it doesn’t necessarily mean that all groundwater users will have sufficient amounts of groundwater if and when the demand peaks.”  Depending upon the location, the amount of recovery is somewhat delayed due to the physical properties that exist within the aquifer.

Schnitzler added, “When looking at the data that has been collected over the past four decades, the in-season demands that cause the water levels to drop substantially is what we are most concerned about.  The geology of our district is very challenging.”

LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “The groundwater resources that lie beneath our State are vast, but also vulnerable.  Even small changes in groundwater levels can have profound impacts.  Our water levels tend to bounce back in the spring, but that doesn’t give us the full picture.  There are in-season trends that need to be addressed, especially after the drought of 2012.”

The LENRD currently has an observation well network of 240 wells across 15-counties in Northeast Nebraska.  The wells were measured this spring and the report can be found below.  Reports from previous years can be found on the water resources page.

Spring 2016 - water level map

Spring 2016 report

LENRD seeks public input on water quality issues for basin-wide plan

Over the last year, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) has been establishing the Lower Elkhorn River Basin Water Quality Management Plan (Plan).  The Plan covers the lower portion of the Elkhorn River Basin, which is the watershed that created the boundary for the LENRD.  The basin is located in northeast Nebraska and covers over 2.5 million acres including all of Cuming, Pierce, Stanton, and Wayne Counties and portions of Antelope, Burt, Cedar, Colfax, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Knox, Madison, Platte, and Thurston Counties.  The basin includes 50 communities and has a population of 90,000.

The Plan is focusing on issues with nonpoint source pollution and will provide a single coordinated strategy to identify water quality threats and needs, prioritize watershed areas for development of enhanced planning and restoration projects, and identify practices and activities appropriate to address the known water quality deficiencies.   LENRD Project Coordinator, Kristie Olmer, said, “Examples include impaired waters, such as Willow Creek Reservoir near Pierce, and maintaining high quality resources such as Skyview Lake in Norfolk and Maskenthine Lake near Stanton.”  She added, “Another primary concern is nitrates in groundwater, especially wellhead protection areas for public drinking water suppliers.”

The LENRD is now actively seeking public input on water quality concerns and issues from anyone living or working within the basin. As portions of the Plan become complete they will be placed on the website for public review.  A draft of the Plan will be made available for review in August, and will also be presented to the public at an Open House.  Please contact Kristie Olmer at 402-371-7313 or to provide comments or input. The project is funded by the LENRD and the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.

Project Summary

Chapter 1 - Draft

Chapter 2 - Draft

Flow meter installation training to be held June 27th

Individuals who would like to install flow meters in the Lower Elkhorn NRD, need to be trained and certified by the district.  The next training will be held on Monday, June 27th, 2016 in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  Additional training sessions will be scheduled on an as needed basis.  Contact Curt Becker if you have any questions about the the flow meter installation process at or 402-371-7313.

Training Schedule for the 27th

A public hearing to certify irrigated acres will be held on June 9

A public hearing will be held on Thursday, June 9, at 6:30 p.m. at the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) office in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  This is one of several hearings as the LENRD continues to certify irrigated acres across the district.  The parcels to be certified can be found below, or you are invited to view the maps at the LENRD office; 601 East Benjamin Avenue, Suite 101, in Norfolk.

Fields to be certified

Public Hearing Policy


LENRD sponsors project to improve water quality in the Willow Creek Reservoir

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) is sponsoring a project to improve water quality in the Willow Creek Reservoir.

Willow Creek watershed property owners, and any members of the public, are invited to attend a meeting of the Willow Creek Stakeholder Group.  The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. at the Legion Hall, 109 W. Main Street, Pierce, NE.

Representatives from the LENRD, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will be available to answer questions.  LakeTech Consulting and Olsson Associates will be presenting results of a producer conservation practice survey and a preliminary assessment of structural watershed alternatives aimed at reducing nutrient loading to Willow Creek Reservoir.

For more information, contact Kristie Olmer, Project Manager, at 402-371-7313 or email

Project Map

Lower Elkhorn NRD receives grant to provide cost-share on irrigation flow meters

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) recently received a grant from Nebraska’s new Water Sustainability Fund (WSF).  Nebraska’s Natural Resources Commission approved nearly $11.5 million in projects, with $900,000 being awarded to the LENRD for water and soil conservation.  The LENRD will provide a match of $600,000.  This will allow the district to have $1.5 million available for cost-share assistance on irrigation flow meters.

At their May board meeting, the LENRD Board of Directors voted to utilize the funding to offer incentive payments of $250 per flow meter to producers who are approved for the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) funding.  They also agreed to offer payments of $500 per flow meter to producers who apply for the LENRD cost-share by June 30, 2017, if they are not receiving any other incentives or cost-share.  LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “The deadline to have flow meters installed on all irrigation wells is January 1, 2018.  The cost-share is available for producers who get signed up before June of next year.”  Producers are asked to sign-up through their county Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) office to apply for the LENRD cost-share.

The board also approved a contract with Aqua Geo Frameworks (AGF) for the 2016 Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) project that will provide aquifer framework mapping across approximately 608 miles of the district, including portions of Cedar, Dixon, Knox, Madison, Pierce, Platte, Stanton, and Wayne counties.  Sousek added, “By continuing the flights, we can work on defining more aquifers and work with the UNL Conservation & Survey Division to complete an atlas of our district.  We have received $250,000 for this project from the WSF, and we will be matching up to $167,000 to continue the mapping project.”

In other action, the board voted to provide a $2,197.70 grant for the Madison Public School’s Watershed Dynamics Program.  The request came from the school for their on-going sampling program of Taylor and Union Creeks.  The program is in its sixth year and provides hands-on learning for many students during the summer months.

Funding was also requested by the Northeast Nebraska Weed Management Area, a group organized under the Northeast Nebraska RC&D, to match LB1038 funding for controlling invasive plant species.  The group is requesting funding from four area NRDs to control invasive plant species in the Elkhorn River Basin.  The board approved $5,000 for the project.

A public hearing was also held, relating to the proposed amendments to the LENRD’s Erosion & Sediment Control Program.  The adopted changes will be added to the plan and can be viewed on the district’s website.

The next board meeting will be held on Thursday, June 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lifelong Learning Center on the campus of Northeast Community College in Norfolk.  Visit the LENRD website to sign up for emails from the district.  Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.