LENRD announces winners of Conservation Poster Contest

“Life in the Soil – Dig Deeper” was this year’s theme of the annual Conservation Poster Contest sponsored by the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).  Approximately 127 K-12th grade students participated in the contest.  Layers of soil with earthworms, plant roots, and animal burrows were some of the examples shown in the winning posters, created by students from across the LENRD’s 15-counties in northeast Nebraska.

The following winners will receive special recognition from the LENRD:

Grades K-1     

1) Gage Anderson                                            St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

2) Connor Pojar                                                St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

3) Madison Blaha                                              St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

Grades 2-3

1) Emma Ortmeier                                           St. Wenceslaus, Dodge 

2) Lauren Hegemann                                      St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

3) Elijah Killham                                                St. Francis, Humphrey

Grades 4-6

1) Colten Melcher                                            St. John Lutheran, Battle Creek

2) Britlee Wragge                                            St. John Lutheran, Battle Creek

3) Bree Pojar                                                    St. Wenceslaus, Dodge

Grades 7-9

1) Brittany Borchers                                        St. John Lutheran, Battle Creek

2) Tylar Humphrey                                          St. John Lutheran, Battle Creek

3) Sophie Humphrey                                      St. John Lutheran, Battle Creek

Grades 10-12

1) Brooklyn Bailey                                           Guardian Angels Central Catholic, West Point

2) Marribelle Garlick                                       Norfolk High School

3) Isabella Steskal                                           Norfolk High School

The first place posters in each category were sent on to the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) in Lincoln for the State Competition.

The NARD recently announced that the LENRD has 2 winners at the State level this year.

Students winning in the State competition include:

·         Grades 4-6: Colten Melcher, Battle Creek, Nebraska (Lower Elkhorn NRD)

·         Grades 10-12: Brooklyn Bailey, West Point, Nebraska (Lower Elkhorn NRD)

These students will also receive special recognition from the NARD in Lincoln.  The posters created by Melcher and Bailey will be sent on to Las Vegas, Nevada for the National competition in February 2020.

“We have had some great posters submitted over the years from across our district.  The poster contest is a fun way to help students connect with the world around them and to use the theme to focus on things they can see and hear in their own backyard,” said Julie Wragge, LENRD Information & Education Specialist. “Congratulations to all the students who participated this year.”

The 2020 poster theme is “Where would we BEE without pollinators?” For more information on the poster contest, contact Julie Wragge, at jwragge@lenrd.org or 402-371-7313.

Grades K-1 - First Place: Gage Anderson, St. Wenceslaus School, Dodge

Grades K-1 - First Place: Gage Anderson, St. Wenceslaus School, Dodge

Grades 2-3 - First Place: Emma Ortmeier, St. Wenceslaus School, Dodge

Grades 2-3 - First Place: Emma Ortmeier, St. Wenceslaus School, Dodge

Grades 4-6 - First Place: Colten Melcher, St. John School, Battle Creek.  State winner & National finalist!

Grades 4-6 - First Place: Colten Melcher, St. John School, Battle Creek. State winner & National finalist!

Grades 7-9 - First Place: Brittany Borchers, St. John School, Battle Creek

Grades 7-9 - First Place: Brittany Borchers, St. John School, Battle Creek

Grades 10-12 - First Place: Brooklyn Bailey, Guardian Angels Central Catholic, West Point.  State winner & National finalist!

Grades 10-12 - First Place: Brooklyn Bailey, Guardian Angels Central Catholic, West Point. State winner & National finalist!

LENRD Board approves applications for new irrigated acres

Earlier this fall, landowners within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) boundaries, had an opportunity to submit applications to expand irrigated acres.

LENRD Assistant Manager, Brian Bruckner, said, “The board voted to accept applications for standard variances in some portions of the District.  We received 123 applications for new irrigated acres during the sign-up period, which was open from October 1st through October 31st, 2019.”  Eligible applications were processed using the District’s scoring and ranking process, which integrates several categories that are each assigned different score values within the subcategory.  Each eligible application was given a total score, and subsequently the applications were ranked from highest to lowest score.

The board voted at their December 2nd meeting to allow up to 292.24 acre-feet of new peak season streamflow depletions in the LENRD’s Hydrologically Connected (10/50 Area), which calculates to 2,795 new irrigated acres.  The board also voted to allow for the development of 2509.92 new irrigated acres in the LENRD’s Non-Hydrologically Connected (Non 10/50 Area).  These approvals were determined from the final rankings as provided by District staff, and a cut-off was established to determine the number of acre-feet of new depletions, and the number of new irrigated acres that would be made available for each respective management area.

Bruckner continued, “Staff will now go through the process of contacting the landowners in writing, for both approved and non-approved applications.”  After the landowners have been properly notified, the approved list will be made available by submitting a request for public records to the District.

In other action, the board approved the annual groundwater allocations for the Quantity Management Subareas subject to allocations for the 2020 growing season.  Bruckner, said, “Each year, the board must determine the annual groundwater allocation amounts for the Wayne and Eastern Madison County Quantity Management Subareas for the upcoming crop year.”  The board voted to establish the 2020 allocation amounts at:  18 acre-inches per irrigated acre for gravity/flood irrigation systems, 13 acre-inches per irrigated acre for subsurface drip irrigation systems, and 14 acre-inches per irrigated acre for all other irrigation systems in the Eastern Madison County Quantity Subarea, and 17 acre-inches per irrigated acre for gravity/flood irrigation systems, 12 acre-inches per irrigated acre for subsurface drip irrigation systems, and 13 acre-inches per irrigated acre for all other irrigation systems in the Wayne County Quantity Subarea.  These groundwater allocation amounts have remained unchanged since first being imposed for the 2013 pumping season.

In other business, the board approved 5 Community Forestry Incentive applications for a total cost of $13,719.69.  The communities receiving grants this year include:  the City of Norfolk, Norfolk Public Schools, the Village of Pilger, the City of Wakefield, and the City of West Point.

The board also voted to approve the memorandum of agreement between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the LENRD.  LENRD General Manager, Mike Sousek, said, “The NRCS and LENRD share a rich history of collaborating to deliver comprehensive technical and financial assistance to landowners and other entities to protect, restore, and enhance natural resources.  This agreement reinforces the partnership between both agencies and will be in effect until mutually modified or terminated.”

The LENRD board & staff meet each month to develop and implement management plans for the future of our natural resources.  The next LENRD board meeting will be Thursday, December 19th at 7:30 p.m. at the LENRD office at 1508 Square Turn Boulevard in Norfolk.  Stay connected with the LENRD by subscribing to their monthly emails.

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Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan available for public review

In November 2018, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) began the process of updating the hazard mitigation plan. One of the benefits of completing this plan update as required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is that participating communities within the district will remain eligible for mitigation grant programs. This plan examines regional and local vulnerabilities to a range of hazards (i.e. flooding, severe winter storms, drought, etc.) and identifies strategies and projects that can be implemented to reduce risk posed by these phenomena. Throughout the planning process, officials and staff from the LENRD, counties, communities, and school districts have provided insights regarding vulnerabilities, completed projects that have increased local resilience, and future opportunities to further reduce risk.

A draft of the plan has been completed and is available on the project website (https://jeo.com/lenrd-hmp) for public review. We encourage community members to review the plan, provide comments, and ask any questions they may have during the official comment period. The public review period will end on December 27th. Please submit comments and questions to Karl Dietrich via email at kdietrich@jeo.com

Repairs begin on hiking/biking trail in Pierce

The development and management of recreational and park facilities is one of the 12 responsibilities of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).

At their October meeting, the LENRD Board voted to develop a contract with Rutjens Construction of Tilden to repair the pedestrian trail between the Willow Creek State Recreation Area (SRA) and the City of Pierce for $17,675.00.  The trail was significantly damaged as a result of the flooding that occurred last spring.

LENRD Projects Manager, Curt Becker, said, “The LENRD applied for Public Assistance funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help with the project repairs.  After approval, the board voted to repair the trail as quickly as possible.  Some portions of the trail are already repaired.  If the weather holds, construction work should be completed in November.”

Becker added, “The surface of the trail is a crushed limestone finish.  This allows for a firm, yet comfortable surface for walking, jogging, and bike riding.”

The walking trail around the lake is named after long-time LENRD Board Member, Bill Meyer of Pierce.  The trail wraps around the recreation area and into the city of Pierce, covering approximately 10 miles.

The Willow Creek State Recreation Area is owned by the LENRD, and is managed by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission.


Funding approved for watershed projects across Nebraska

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced that four Natural Resources Districts received over $2.5 million in Watershed Flood Prevention and Operations funding. This funding will be directed towards developing watershed plans in the following NRDs: 

  • The Lower Platte South NRD received funding to complete the Little Salt Creek Watershed Plan in northern Lancaster County. This plan will help improve habitat for the endangered Salt Tiger Beetle by protecting saline wetland habitat, providing wetland rehabilitation, and erosion and sediment control.

  • The Lower Elkhorn NRD received funding to complete the Battle Creek Watershed Plan. This plan aims to reduce the overall flood risk potential in the area as well as provide flood resiliency for surrounding agricultural land.

  • The Central Platte NRD received funding to complete the Spring and Buffalo Creek Watershed Plan. This effort is focused on reducing flood damages to irrigation canal infrastructure and agricultural land. Goals include identifying solutions to reoccurring flooding issues, soil erosion, and evaluate multi-beneficial projects which can benefit endangered and threatened species within and downstream of the watershed.

  • The Central Platte NRD also received funding to complete the Lower Wood River Watershed Plan. The goal is to establish a recommended plan to address ongoing flooding events. This includes implementing structural and non-structural projects to create resiliency against future flooding, reduce flood related damages, and protect the local economy.

  • The Lower Loup NRD received funding to complete the Mud Creek Watershed Plan. This plan will focus on reducing flood related damages to communities and agricultural land, improve flood resiliency, improve recreation opportunities and enhance groundwater recharge.

Nebraska State Conservationist Craig Derickson said, “We look forward to working with these Natural Resources Districts on these new watershed projects. We saw how established watershed projects sprang into action this past spring following the bomb cyclone reducing flood damages and protecting natural resources. These new projects plan to provide more benefits to more areas across Nebraska.”

LENRD.Elkhorn River2.JPG

Harvesting Crop Residue: What's it worth?

Harvesting crop residue has increased in recent years and demand is likely to increase. Decisions about how much crop residue can be harvested sustainably are based on the following:

  • Soil nutrient availability

  • Soil organic matter

  • Water erosion and runoff

  • Wind erosion

  • Soil water availability

  • Yields and economics

For more information, visit your local NRCS office or click on the link below:

Harvesting Corn Stover

Harvesting Corn Stover.jpg

LENRD Board moves forward with pedestrian trail repairs at Pierce

The development and management of recreational and park facilities is one of the 12 responsibilities of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD).

At their October meeting, the LENRD Board voted to develop a contract with Rutjens Construction of Tilden to repair the pedestrian trail between the Willow Creek State Recreation Area (SRA) and the City of Pierce for $17,675.00.  The trail was significantly damaged as a result of the flooding that occurred last spring.

The board also approved the increase in camping fees at its recreational areas in northeast Nebraska.  The camping fees will increase to $25.00 per electric pad and $10.00 per tent, effective January 1, 2020.

LENRD Recreation Area Superintendent, Leonard Boryca, said, “The camping fees at the State Recreation Areas across the State have increased.  Therefore, the board decided to keep our rates at a similar pace.”  He added, “The LENRD owns the Willow Creek SRA, which is managed by the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, and their rates increased last year, so this will make the fees the same amount district-wide for electric and tent camping.”  The LENRD owns and manages the Maskenthine Lake Recreation Area near Stanton, and the Maple Creek Recreation Area near Leigh.

Another of the LENRD’s responsibilities is the development, management, utilization, and conservation of groundwater and surface water.  The district continues to be proactive in the management of the resource.  In the Phase 2 and 3 Management Areas the district requires annual reports from producers for record keeping purposes.  There are 4 producers who have yet to submit their annual reports for this year and those producers will receive a cease and desist order as directed by the LENRD Board at their October meeting.

The board also instructed staff to contract with Derek Becker of Norfolk for meter maintenance on mechanical flow meters in Pierce County.

The LENRD board & staff meet each month to develop and implement management plans for the future of our natural resources.  The next LENRD board meeting will be Tuesday, November 26th at 7:30 p.m. at the LENRD office at 1508 Square Turn Boulevard in Norfolk.  Stay connected with the LENRD by subscribing to their monthly emails.

Application deadline is October 31st for new irrigated acres

Landowners within the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) boundaries, have an opportunity to apply for new irrigated acres in some portions of the District.

The LENRD board voted, at their August meeting, to allow up to 450 acre-feet of new depletions, in accordance with their Voluntary Integrated Management Plan for irrigation development in the Hydrologically Connected or 10/50 Area, and to allow up to 2,500 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Non-Hydrologically Connected or Non 10/50 Area under the district’s standard variance process.  An approved variance is a requirement for any expansion of irrigated acres in the LENRD, whether from an existing or new irrigation well.

Geographic portions of the district that are eligible to be considered for standard variances are areas that fall within the top three categories of the classification map.

Excluded from consideration for this sign-up period will be any parcel of land located in any Quantity Management Subarea or Phase 3 Area located within the LENRD.

The board established a sign-up period to receive applications for Standard Variances from October 1st, 2019 through October 31st, 2019.

Map - Irrigation Development Areas

Standard Variance Application Form 

Buffer Strips are a common sense approach to land conservation

The Nebraska Buffer Strip Program is administered from fees assessed on registered pesticides. Cropland adjacent to perennial and seasonal streams, ponds, and wetlands can be enrolled in buffer strips, which are designed to filter agrichemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Two kinds of buffer strips are eligible - filter strips, which are narrow strips of grass; and riparian forest buffer strips containing trees and grass. The minimum widths are 20 and 55 feet, respectively; the maximum widths are 120 and 180 feet, respectively.
The program is designed to be used in conjunction with the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), or other programs, however it can be used by itself, as well. Rental rates are calculated as follows:

  • For irrigated cropland where CRP, CREP, or other governmentally-funded programs are also used, rental rates are $250 per acre minus payments from the other programs.

  • For irrigated cropland where CRP, CREP, or other governmentally-funded programs are not used, the rental rate is $225 per acre minus any other program payments.

  • For non-irrigated cropland enrolled in CRP, CREP or other governmentally-funded programs, the rental rate is equal to 20% of the average CRP soil rental rate.

  • For non-irrigated cropland without CRP, CREP, or other governmentally-funded programs, the rental rate per acre is equal to 120% of the average CRP soil rental rate plus $5 per acre, minus the payment rate from any other programs.

  • In no case may payments from all programs exceed $250 per acre.

Interested landowners should contact their local Natural Resources District or USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service office to begin the application process.

West Point High School takes first place at the Northeast Area FFA Land Judging Contest near Leigh

The Northeast Area FFA Land Judging Contest was held Tuesday, October 8th near Leigh. 436 students from 24 high schools registered that morning at the Colfax County Fairgrounds in Leigh before traveling to the testing site.  The contest was held on ground owned by Terry Kudera, six miles north of Leigh on Hwy 57 and 2 west.

A team from West Point High School finished first with the top score of 977 points.  Team members are:  Evie Schlickbernd, Paige Rolf, Emmie Dvorak, and Aspen Lund.

A team from Pender High School placed second with a score of 970.  Third place went to North Bend with a score of 929 points.  Teams from North Bend and West Point came in 4th and 5th.  The top 6 teams that will participate in the State competition are from West Point, Pender, North Bend, Blair, Logan View, and Wisner-Pilger.  The State Land Judging competition will take place in the Tecumseh area on October 23rd.

The top individual award went to Paige Rolf of West Point with a total score of 361.  Katelyn Smith of Logan View was second, Dalton Blaha of North Bend was third, Hannah Murray of North Bend was fourth, and Charles Schmedding of Pender came in fifth.

The site provided good diversity in soils and landscape positions for the students.  The contest helps the students make informed decisions regarding soil utilization in the future.  Scoring was completed the following day at the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) office in Norfolk.

The high schools participating were:  Allen, Blair, Elkhorn Valley-Tilden, Emerson-Hubbard, Howells-Dodge, Humphrey, Laurel-Concord-Coleridge, Clarkson-Leigh, Logan View, Lyons-Decatur Northeast, Newman Grove, Norfolk, North Bend, Oakland-Craig, Osmond, Pender, Pierce, Randolph, Scribner-Snyder, Stanton, Tekamah-Herman, Wayne, West Point-Beemer, and Wisner-Pilger.

The LENRD, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Leigh High School, and the Nebraska FFA Land Judging Committee organized and sponsored the contest.

Land Judging.2019.JPG

LENRD requests proposals for flow meter maintenance

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to provide inspection and preventative maintenance services for all propeller-driven, analog display irrigation well flow meters (Propeller Meters) installed in the District. This project includes the provision of all labor, equipment and expertise to perform preventative maintenance services for an estimated 880 flow meters located within the District by April 15, 2020.

These inspection and preventative maintenance services include, but are not limited to: a physical examination and evaluation of proper flow meter installation and operation; removal of the flow meter to evaluate the condition of the propeller and bearings; reinstallation of the meter after greasing its bearings and replacing the saddle gasket; documentation of all inspection; maintenance findings and activities through photos and reports in a format provided by the LENRD; and application of an LENRD maintenance sticker to the Propeller Meter. The LENRD will supply grease, gaskets and other preventative maintenance supplies for this project.

These inspection and maintenance activities will be performed during the non-growing season, which is from October through April. Payment for these services will be negotiated between the District and the contractor but not more frequently than monthly for each completed inspection.

The District is seeking to have the Propeller Meters within Pierce County serviced (see the map below).

The full RFP is below. If you have any questions please contact Curt or Brian at the LENRD office (402) 371-7313 or by email at cbecker@lenrd.org or bbruckner@lenrd.org

Proposals must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2019 to the LENRD office.

Request for Proposal


Two instructors from Madison High receive Educators of the Year Award

Two instructors from Madison High School received the Educators of the Year Award from the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD).

Suzy Foley and Patrick Kratochvil, both science teachers at Madison High, were recently honored at the NARD Annual Conference held at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney.  The awards were presented by Jim Johnson, Chairman of the NARD Information & Education Committee, and NARD President Larry Reynolds.

The two were nominated by the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) for their work in developing the Taylor-Union Watershed Team.  The team was started in the summer of 2011 to introduce minority students to fieldwork in science and to see how the concepts taught in the classroom can be used in real work situations.

Kratochvil said, “A total of eight sites on the Taylor and Union Creeks are tested once a month on consecutive days from June through August. The water quality is calculated based on the Water Quality Index (WQI) System, developed by the National Sanitation Federation.  Macro-invertebrates are also studied, allowing us to obtain a more complete survey of the Taylor and Union Creeks.  A macro-invertebrate count is made giving a water quality rating based on a formula developed by the Nebraska Wildlife Federation’s Adopt-a-Stream program.”

Kratochvil added, “Through the project we are using a cross-curricular strategy, which includes science, language arts, math and technology. This project also teaches the students about the different areas of science including Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Chemistry.”

Suzy Foley said, “We have students that started as young as incoming 6th graders and have continued through their first year of college. Through this process we have seen that the skills learned lead to higher achievement on tests such as the ACT and a more diverse set of skills for the job market.”

Foley added, “Students use their critical thinking skills while collecting and analyzing the samples collected during the Watershed class.  Excel is used to analyze the data that has been gathered throughout the summer and from past summers.  Once the data is entered, we generate graphs to visually display the information.  This allows the students to obtain a better grasp of the information they have collected.  They also create a Power Point presentation to share with the Madison Public School Board of Education, local community groups, the LENRD Board of Directors, and local Universities and Colleges.”

Kratochvil commented, “Each year we have some of the students involved in the program go to the Middle School and do a presentation about what the program is and how it’s exciting and fun as well as educational.  This is one way that we keep recruiting students into the program.”

LENRD Information & Education Specialist, Julie Wragge, said, “I was happy to nominate such a great team of leaders for our youth.  I have worked with Suzy and Patrick for a long time and they continue to step it up each year as they grow their program.  I’m very proud of the partnership the LENRD has developed with Madison Public Schools.  We congratulate Suzy and Patrick on this very deserving award.”

The Watershed Team has also become involved with the “Know Your Well” program through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Nebraska Environmental Trust, and the Nebraska Water Center.  The students have had to gain an understanding of how land and water conservation apply to real world situations.  In this project, the students collect well samples from rural drinking wells in the area.  They run tests on the water and reports are given to the well owners with a discussion about the results.  Students were given the task of trying to discover where any possible contaminants came from.

The Taylor-Union Watershed Team has received grants from the LENRD, the Nebraska Environmental Trust, the Groundwater Foundation, and Farmland.

Patrick lives in Albion, and is originally from Pierce.  Suzy lives in Madison, and is originally from Blair.


Cover Crops Perform Double Duty

By: Dan Gillespie, NRCS No-till Specialist

Anyone could agree that the 2019 crop season has been one of extremes.  The Bomb Cyclone brought the incredible runoff event that led to thousands of acres of prevented planting.  The wet weather persisted well into the planting season.  Then in early June Mother Nature shut the rainfall spigot off on some folks while opening it wide on others.

Cover crops proved they have an ability to pull “double duty” this crop season.  While the soil was too cool, wet and saturated to work or plant, the cereal rye covers that love that kind of weather kept on growing, using up that excess moisture, growing vegetative cover and root biomass, and drying out the soil so it could warm up and be planted.

How is that ground cover duty important?  For those who caught the extra rainfall in June and July, the cover crop “armored” the soil surface with residue that deflected the impact of the rain drops and prevented detachment of the soil particles.  This allowed the soil surface pores to stay open to infiltrate and store the rainfall instead of allowing it to run off.

For those who had the rain spigot shut off, the cover crop vegetative biomass shielded the soil surface from direct sunshine that heats the soil surface up and reduced the wind that can evaporate moisture from the soil surface rapidly. This is especially important early in the crop season before the corn and soybean plants canopy. 

Meanwhile, the below ground root biomass likely quadrupled in mass in the extra few weeks the cover crop grew, exuding plant sugars and feeding the soil biology.  The roots of a 4-6 inch tall rye cover crop can extend 12-18 inches deep, while a 12-18 inch tall plant can explore up to three feet deep into the soil profile.

When the cover crop is terminated the roots die and begin to desiccate, shrinking as they degrade.  This creates a channel for water to penetrate and move into the topsoil.  The drying roots re-hydrate during a rain event and slow the movement of the soil water through the profile, making it available to the cash crop plant roots for a longer period of time.

In coarse, sandy soils the ability of the cover crop root biomass to slow down and hold on to soil water is an important duty the cover crop performs.  The coarse soils contain less organic matter, so the cover crop roots don’t biodegrade as quickly, creating a soil sponge effect that benefits the sandy soils longer into the season.  The plants get a few extra days shot at the water and more importantly the nitrates that could otherwise leach into the groundwater.

Many of you have already had your cover crops seeded by broadcasting aerially or with a ground driven high boy spreader.  The optimum time for seeding mixes that contain brassicas or legumes is past, as there isn’t enough biological time for them to grow enough to produce their desired effects.  Cereal rye, triticale or wheat are still a good choice to go with later in the year as it will germinate at soil temperatures as low as 34 degrees and start growing early in the spring.

Plant “green” the next spring and let the cover crop grow a little longer and give it time to provide more of its benefits.  If you have irrigation you can allow for even more cover crop growth as you are able to replace moisture used by the cover crop in exchange for the soil health boost the additional cover crop biomass provides.

Be thinking about planting cover crops as you prepare for harvest.  Integrating cover crops into a continuous no-till cropping system will accelerate the formation of soil organic matter and save soil, water and time.  

Contact your local NRCS office or the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District to obtain more information on cost share opportunities to put those “Double Duty” cover crops to work on your farm.

Pierce County farmer Steve Keck received excess moisture this spring and decided to plant soybeans into a “green” rye cover crop, letting the cereal rye cover crop grow longer before terminating it to utilize excess soil moisture and dry the soil fo…

Pierce County farmer Steve Keck received excess moisture this spring and decided to plant soybeans into a “green” rye cover crop, letting the cereal rye cover crop grow longer before terminating it to utilize excess soil moisture and dry the soil for planting. If you have irrigation you can allow for more cover crop growth as you are able to replace moisture used by the cover crop in exchange for the soil health boost the additional biomass provides.

Taken August 12th, 2019, this picture shows Steve Keck in a healthy bean field. The biodegrading rye under the soybean plants is filling the crop canopy with carbon dioxide from the respiring soil biology. This makes the time the plant’s stomata are…

Taken August 12th, 2019, this picture shows Steve Keck in a healthy bean field. The biodegrading rye under the soybean plants is filling the crop canopy with carbon dioxide from the respiring soil biology. This makes the time the plant’s stomata are open to gather carbon dioxide the plant needs for photosynthesis shorter, resulting in less water vapor lost in transpiration and improved water use efficiency.

Dan Gillespie receives Master Conservationist Award

Dan Gillespie of Battle Creek was recently honored with the Master Conservationist Award.  The Master Conservationist Awards recognize people and organizations who excel in managing and conserving Nebraska’s water and soil.  The awards are sponsored by the Omaha World-Herald and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The award was recently presented to Dan at the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) Annual Conference at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney.  The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) assisted in nominating Dan for this award in the Agriculture category.

Dan began experimenting with no-till corn into soybean stubble in 1986 on his farm south of Meadow Grove.  Since 1991, he has practiced Continuous No-Till Farming on all his 412 corn-soybean acres.  Dan was the first one to start no-tilling in the area.

After continuous no-till for 13 years, Dan began planting cover crops in the fall of 2005 in response to intense rainfall events.  He has planted cereal rye cover crops on all soybean stubble acres since 2006 while also experimenting with legumes and brassicas in seed mixtures. After several years of utilizing aerial application, he has settled on drilling all cover crops after harvest.

In the spring of 2007, the Battle Creek watershed endured a seven-inch rainfall. Dan was able to plant in his cover cropped field only three days later while having no need to repair any waterways or flow areas.  No sediment left the 11-16% slopes on his farm with valuable nutrients and he maximized his rainfall infiltration and storage in the soil profile. Dan said, “I haven’t repaired a concentrated flow area in the fields since I implemented continuous cover cropping.  I believe the top benefit or return on my conservation investments is the elimination of soil erosion.  The regeneration of my cropland soils has allowed me to spend less on fertilizer, herbicide and irrigation inputs.”

In the spring of 2012, Dan drilled soybeans into the green, living cereal rye he had planted the previous fall and let both soybeans and rye cover crop grow until cover crop termination in May. The practice worked well, yields were excellent, and he has continued to utilize this practice. He is one of the leaders in the state regarding “planting green.”

In the fall of 2012, Dan drilled the flow areas (high probability of soil erosion) in his corn fields with a bushel of rye per acre. The concept was to augment the residue cover from the corn crop in the stable flow areas with a living root system. The fields were drilled to soybeans in spring 2013 and the cover crop in the flow areas was left to grow until the first herbicide application.  Dan said, “The practice worked very well and is now used for treating ephemeral gully problems by many farmers.”

Dan’s use of soil moisture monitoring with telemetry gives him real time available water capacity for the crop, allowing him to take advantage of the increased infiltration and water storage capabilities that healthy soils provide. Dan has averaged 5.14” of irrigation water on corn and 4.94” on soybeans annually since installation of flow meters and adoption of electronic soil moisture monitoring.  The reduction in applied irrigation has also reduced issues with fungal diseases in Dan’s cornfields. He has not applied a fungicide to his corn since the implementation of soil moisture monitoring.  Dan added, “I have cut back on N application as the soil organic matter improves and increased soil biological activity continues to mineralize nitrogen at greater rates.”

The 2% soil organic matter improvement in Dan’s fields allows him to infiltrate intense rainfall events and store that moisture in the soil profile. That 2% additional soil organic matter can store an additional 1.5 inches of rainfall in the soil profile, releasing it to the crop as needed and this happens repeatedly through the year.  Dan added, “Night crawler populations are a good soil health indicator and have gained rapidly since the implementation of cover crops. The macropores they create when burrowing add significantly to the infiltration rate for rainfall and irrigation water in the field.”

Dan had 30 acres of cropland in CRP from 1981 through 2001 and enrolled 20 acres into Pollinator CRP in 2015-2016 to enhance habitat for pollinators. The 30 acres of CRP, returned to crop production, routinely out yields the cropland next to it due to the soil organic matter improvements from CRP years.

When you visit with Dan about his farming practices, he says, “I want to leave the land in better shape than it was in when I started farming it.”

Julie Wragge, LENRD Information & Education Specialist, said, “His credibility comes from experience. Dan wouldn’t ask another farmer to do something that he hasn’t tried and proven himself.  Speaking to agri-business groups, soil health workshops, No-till Conferences and Expos, college classes, high schools and grade schools, Dan has spoken to or presented to over 18,000 people since 2012.”  Wragge added, “Dan is very deserving of this high honor.  He continues to ‘sell’ conservation to everyone he encounters.”


Wonderful World of Water program celebrates 30 years

The 30th Anniversary of the Wonderful World of Water Festival was held September 18 at Gilman Park in Pierce.  Eighteen teams of ninth and tenth grade students from 11 schools across Northeast Nebraska descended upon the park for a day of outdoor hands on activities and a chance to compete for championship honors. 

The day began with registration at Gilman Park followed by the teams competing in a track of hands-on activities focusing on water quality and other natural resources related issues.  The teams were then quizzed regarding those sessions to accumulate points for the competition.  Following the educational sessions, the teams were given one last chance to extend their point totals by participating in the Dripial Pursuit Trivia Game.  Then while the final totals were being calculated each team was given the opportunity to participate in the Wonderful World of Water special project.

The special project was Water Rockets, which is, a program taught through the Jr. Academy of Sciences.  Each school was invited to build water rockets and demonstrate their knowledge of mass, velocity and engineering.  The rockets were judged on distance and creativity.  Several rockets were launched Wednesday with prizes being awarded to Pierce High School Team 2 for Farthest Distance Traveled; Allen High School Team 2 for Shortest Distance Traveled; and, Elgin High School for Most Creative Design.    

Following the presentation of the special projects the winners of the 2019 Northeast Nebraska Wonderful World of Water were announced.  The winner of Track 1 was Winside High School consisting of DeAndre Redwing, Jake Bargstadt, Tyler Carlson, McKenna Russell, Michah Stenwall and Dax Behmer.  The winning team from Track 2 was Pierce High School Team 2 consisting of Zach Price, Nich Erickson, Alexus Sindelar, Larissa Meier and Nicholas Lienemann.  Both First Place teams were awarded 30th Anniversary Wonderful World of Water T-shirts.   

Schools participating in this year’s event included; Orchard High School, Niobrara High School, Pierce High School, Elgin High School, Wausa High School, Allen Consolidated, Winside High School, Ewing High School, Norfolk Catholic High School, Lyons-Decatur High School and Madison High School. 

The Wonderful World of Water program would not be possible without our many natural resources professionals from across the area who volunteer their time each year to share their expertise; and, work with students who might be interested in a career related to natural resources.  They come from a variety of agencies including:  The Natural Resources Conservation Service; UNL Cooperative Extension; Game and Parks; Northern Prairies Land Trust; Papio-Missouri River NRD; and, Lower Platte North NRD.  The Wonderful World of Water was sponsored this year by:  the Upper Elkhorn NRD; Lower Elkhorn NRD; Lower Niobrara NRD; Lewis and Clark NRD; and, Nucor.

Jason Thiele, Wildlife Biologist with the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, and Patrick Cowsert, Soil Scientist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, visit with students about the importance of wetland plants and animals as they exami…

Jason Thiele, Wildlife Biologist with the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, and Patrick Cowsert, Soil Scientist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, visit with students about the importance of wetland plants and animals as they examine portions of Gilman Park in Pierce. Eleven High Schools were represented at the 30th Anniversary of Wonderful World of Water, a competition for 9th and 10th graders.

LENRD budget reflects flood reduction projects and lower property valuations

The fiscal year 2020 budget for the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) calls for a slight increase in the property tax levy.

LENRD General Manger, Mike Sousek, said, “Last year the tax levy was the lowest it had been in 45 years.  The slight increase is the result of flood reduction projects stemming from the March floods as well as the lower property valuations across the district.”

After months of discussions, the operating budget was approved by the LENRD board of directors at their September 12th meeting with a tax request of $4,332,004, an increase of $59,276 from last year or a 1.4% increase.  The overall operating expenditures show a 38% increase of $2,923,383 from last year.

Sousek, said, “For the past 7 years there has been a decrease in property tax asking, reaching a historic low in 2018.  It’s becoming more and more difficult to continue decreasing the tax levy year after year.  With the 1.4% increase this year, we are expanding our public awareness of our 12 responsibilities and have more projects and programs on the table to meet the challenges of natural resources management.”

The estimated levy, based on the property tax request, is 2.370 cents per $100 of valuation, which is a slight increase from the fiscal year 2019 levy of 2.314 cents per $100 of valuation.  For example, if a person owns a $300,000 house, the taxes owed to the LENRD would have been $69.42 in 2019 and will be approximately $71.10 in 2020.

Sousek, added, “We continue to maximize the use of our local funds, by bringing in grant money to subsidize our projects.  The funds received by the LENRD are returned to the citizens of the district, through projects, programs, and studies across all or parts of 15-counties in northeast Nebraska.”

Some of the major expenditures for FY 2020 include:  Levee and Flood Protection Projects - $1,858,150; Water Resources Programs - $622,000; Project Construction (including flood related repairs) - $983,000; and Conservation Cost-Share programs, including the Bazile Groundwater Management Area Project and Willow Creek Best Management Practices - $696,500.

Other area conservation benefits include:  water quality and quantity programs such as groundwater management, flood control, and nitrate management; as well as erosion control, cost-share to landowners who apply for conservation practices, recreation areas and trails, urban recreation and community forestry programs, and many other benefits that protect our natural resources.

Nebraska coalition hails repeal of 2015 Waters of the U.S. Rule

Nebraska Farm Bureau press release:

LINCOLN, NEB. – A wide ranging Nebraska-based coalition made up of farmers, homebuilders, businesses, bankers, general contractors, golf course managers, electric systems, and local government agencies is praising the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer repeal of the 2015 “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) Rule. The agencies’ action is a key step forward to bringing an end to a four-year battle in which the groups worked to stop a regulation representing one of the largest expansions of federal authority over private land in U.S. history.

“This is a landmark victory for private property owners and those who support private property rights. This is also a major win for states, including Nebraska, who had argued the WOTUS Rule had gone too far in attempting to infringe upon states’ rights to manage waters under their jurisdiction,” said Steve Nelson, Nebraska Farm Bureau president.

The 2015 WOTUS Rule would have redefined the definition of “waters of the U.S.” under the federal Clean Water Act, and in the process, expanded the scope of waters subject to federal regulation, as well as expand powers to regulate land and land features that collect and convey waters.

“Today’s announcement is a result of Nebraskans working together. There is no doubt the repeal of this rule would not have happened if not for the work of our coalition, its partners, our

national counterparts, and the efforts of our elected leaders,” said Bryan Slone, President of Nebraska State Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“We thank the administration and greatly appreciate the work of Governor Ricketts, Nebraska Attorney General Peterson, Congressmen Fortenberry, Bacon, and Smith, as well as the efforts of Senator Fischer and Senator Sasse in preventing Nebraskans from feeling the impacts of this misguided regulatory effort,” said Dean Edson, Executive Director of the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts.

In light of the massive pushback, President Trump signed an executive order in 2017 to start the process for repealing the 2015 Rule. As a part of the rollback, the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released a replacement regulation for the 2015 WOTUS rule in December of 2018. The new rule is currently under development following a public input period that ended earlier this year. Separately, several legal challenges, including one with involvement by the state of Nebraska, had been filed against the 2015 Rule.

“We continue to provide support and input to the agencies as they develop a more common- sense approach to provide protections for U.S. waters that won’t infringe on individual rights or those of local and state authorities,” said Larry Dix, Nebraska Association of County Officials executive director. “We’re committed to being part of a positive solution. The repeal of the 2015 WOTUS rule is a critical piece of the puzzle as we work with the agencies on a better path forward.”

Common Sense Nebraska is a Nebraska-based coalition consisting of organizations and entities that have come together in response to EPA’s “Waters of the U.S.” proposal which would harm both rural and urban Nebraskans through expansion of EPA’s powers and authorities under the federal Clean Water Act. The coalition’s purpose is to build awareness and understanding of the EPA proposal and the impacts it would have on Nebraskans.

Common Sense Nebraska Coalition members include:

Association of General Contractors - NE Chapter

Farm Credit Services of America

Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association

National Federation of Independent Businesses/Nebraska

Nebraska Agribusiness Association

Nebraska Association of County Officials

Nebraska Association of Resource Districts

Nebraska Bankers Association

Nebraska Cattlemen

Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Nebraska Club Management Association

Nebraska Cooperative Council

Nebraska Corn Board

Nebraska Corn Growers Association

Nebraska Farm Bureau

Nebraska Golf Course Superintendents Association

Nebraska Grain and Feed Association

Nebraska Grain Sorghum Association

Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board

Nebraska Pork Producers Association

Nebraska Poultry Industries

Nebraska Rural Electric Association

Nebraska Soybean Association

Nebraska State Dairy Association

Nebraska State Home Builders Association

Nebraska State Irrigation Association

Nebraska Water Resources Association

Nebraska Wheat Board

Nebraska Wheat Growers Association

Nemaha Natural Resources District

Pawnee County Rural Water District #1

Public hearing to certify irrigated acres is September 26th

The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD) will conduct public hearings and certify irrigated acres on September 26, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. These hearings will be held at the LENRD office located at 1508 Square Turn Boulevard in Norfolk.  The attached list of individuals are those who have fields in the Certification Hearing.  If questions arise, please contact Mike Murphy at 402-371-7313.

Fields to be Certified

Public Hearing Policy

Contested Hearing Form