One of the most anticipated topics hit the Lower Elkhorn NRD (LENRD) Board of Directors agenda last night – Applications for Standard Variances to expand groundwater irrigated acres in the District. At a special board meeting held in October 2023, Directors approved a motion to allow up to 295-acre feet of new stream water depletions for new groundwater irrigation development in the Hydrologically Connected Area (10/50 Area) and up to 2,500 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Non-hydrologically Connected Area (Non 10/50 Area).
In November 2023, the LENRD received nearly 300 applications for Standard Variances to consider requests to expand irrigated acres and/or construct new irrigation wells. Eligible applications were processed using a scoring system that has been in place in the District since 2009. To be considered for approval, any Standard Variance application had to meet a minimum soil score of 80 in the soil conservation category. Due to this requirement, eight locations in the 10/50 Area, and 14 locations in the Non 10/50 Area were not approved.
Last night, the Board voted to approve 53 Standard Variance applications allowing 305.93-acre feet of new stream water depletions for new groundwater irrigation development (or 2,891.4 new irrigated acres) in the 10/50 area, and 38 applications totaling 2,836.04 acres of new groundwater irrigation development in the Non 10/50 Area. “Letters will be sent to landowners as soon as they can be generated,” said Brian Bruckner, General Manager.
A Public Hearing will be scheduled to discuss LENRD Rules and Regulations for the Management of Groundwater
At the September Board Meeting, the LENRD Board voted to have Staff prepare amendments to the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District Groundwater Management Area Rules and Regulations. These amendments will affect the quantity management sub areas in the District, and there will also be other minor changes recommended throughout the document. Additional discussion on the matter will be scheduled for Thursday, February 8th as part of the Committee of the Whole meeting. Once finalized, a draft of the proposed amendments will be sent to the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources and the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy to allow them the opportunity to review the proposed changes and provide feedback.
NRCS Source Water Protection Specialist
The LENRD is exploring options for partnerships to create a shared position for a NRCS Source Water Protection Specialist. This person would engage in outreach and assistance with farm operators and landowners to incentivize conservation practices on lands located in wellhead protection areas. The Lower Elkhorn NRD is working on forming a collaboration with the Lower Niobrara, Lewis & Clark, & Upper Elkhorn NRDs to fund and share this employee. NRCS will provide 50% of the salary/benefits, office, and vehicle for the employee, while the other partners will cover the remaining costs for the position.
“I like the idea that rather than regulation, we should be doing education. And this is part of that,” said Subdistrict #1 Director, Chad Korth.
Maple Creek Shoreline Protection Bids
Efforts to protect the shoreline of Maple Creek Recreation Area have been ongoing for the past four years. Tyler Warren, Recreation Area Superintendent, showed a map of the areas most in need of immediate protection. The Board voted to approve the lowest bid for 350 tons of riprap received from Cech Excavating, LLC, for a total of $15,032.50 - $25,000 was budgeted for the project. Warren indicated that Cech Excavating, LLC, has been the contractor for Maple Creek shoreline protection work in recent years. “Everything that Cech has done has been quality work and what they have done in the past seems to be working great. I’m good with them using the same material for these locations as well,” Warren noted.
Wau-Col Regional Water System
The Village of McLean approached the Board requesting permission to add a new water user to their service. After purchasing the property approximately 1/8 mile west of McLean, the new property owner has asked to extend an existing water main from McLean to their residence. The property owners have been unsuccessful in locating adequate water on their property for a well and are facing no other options to get access to water on their property. Because the Village of McLean is a customer of the Wau-Col Rural Water System, the Village had to ask the LENRD Board for permission to allow the new connection.
Election of Treasurer
After completing his term as the Board Treasurer, Anthony Wisnieski served at his final meeting. Directors Mark Hall and Chad Korth were nominated to fill the position. Ultimately, Director Hall was appointed to serve as the next Board Treasurer.