Windbreak workshop in Tekamah June 23rd
/The Nebraska Forest Service along with the University of Nebraska Extension, the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resources District (LENRD), and the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District will be hosting a windbreak workshop in Tekamah at the First National Bank Northeast on Thursday, June 23, 2016. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the workshop starting at 9:00 a.m. The workshop will be divided into two parts an indoor discussion in the morning followed by an outdoor site visit in the afternoon.
Morning discussion will include renovating old and deteriorating windbreaks, planting a new windbreak, tree planting programs, cost-share availability, insect and disease issues, and root maker trees. After the morning session, a Subway lunch will be provided by the NRDs before heading out to do a site visit at a potential windbreak renovation.
“If you’re thinking of doing a windbreak renovation or a tree planting project, this workshop is a great fit,” states Pam Bergstrom, LENRD Forester. “This will be a good mixture of some indoor discussion with background on what windbreak renovation and establishments are and how they work. The afternoon session will take us out to a site to get an idea of what the process is like from start to finish.”
Workshop Poster
For more information, please contact:
Steve Karloff, Nebraska Forest Service: 402.472.3645 –
John Wilson, Nebraska Extension Educator: 402.374.2929 –